Record No: Res 32149    Version: 1 Council Bill No:
Type: Resolution (Res) Status: Passed at Full Council
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Council
On agenda: 10/8/2024
Ordinance No:
Title: A RESOLUTION expressing the Mayor and City Council's opposition to Washington State ballot Initiative 2117 concerning carbon tax credit trading.
Sponsors: Tammy J. Morales
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note


RESOLUTION __________________


A RESOLUTION expressing the Mayor and City Council’s opposition to Washington State ballot Initiative 2117 concerning carbon tax credit trading.


WHEREAS, Washington State has scheduled Initiative Measure No. 2117, concerning carbon tax credit trading, for a statewide vote for the Washington General Election on November 5, 2024; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117’s ballot summary reads as follows: “This measure would prohibit state agencies from imposing any type of carbon tax credit trading, including “cap and trade” or “cap and tax” programs, regardless of whether the resulting increased costs are imposed on fuel recipients or fuel suppliers. It would repeal sections of the 2021 Washington Climate Commitment Act as amended, including repealing the creation and modification of a “cap and invest” program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by specific entities”; and

WHEREAS, in May 2021, Governor Jay Inslee signed into law the Climate Commitment Act (CCA); and

WHEREAS, according to the Washington Department of Ecology, the CCA caps and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from Washington’s largest emitting sources and industries, allowing businesses to find the most efficient path to lower carbon emissions; and

WHEREAS, the CCA works alongside other critical climate policies to help Washington achieve its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 95 percent by 2050; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117 would prohibit state agencies, counties and cities from imposing any type of carbon tax credit trading and repeal the CCA, jeopardizing Washington’s ability to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions that are leading to dangerous levels of warming on our planet; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117 would remove funding sources for investments in clean air, clean water, forests, and farmland; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117 would allow increased air pollution, including greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117 would remove funding for programs that help restore lakes, rivers, and streams; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117 would reduce funding for projects that increase wildfire resilience and prevention across Washington state; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117 would remove funding from programs that protect fish habitat and advance salmon recovery; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117 would end billions in funding for Washington's transportation and infrastructure programs, jeopardizing efforts to fix roads and bridges, and reduce traffic congestion; and

WHEREAS, The City of Seattle has been awarded more than $26 million in CCA funding to support: low-income and moderate-income households access energy-efficient heat pumps; low-income households with $200 bill credits on Seattle City Light electric utility accounts; electric vehicle charging infrastructure for City of Seattle vehicle fleets; and a renewable energy generation siting study for Seattle Public Utilities facilities; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117 would lapse an estimated $350 million worth of near-term grant and loan programs for cities and towns for electrical vehicle charging, clean energy and electrical grid innovation, salmon recovery, solar power and energy retrofits for public buildings, low-income home energy assistance, and urban forestry; and

WHEREAS, Initiative 2117 would end future funding opportunities for Seattle projects that would reduce climate pollution from buildings and transportation, restore waterways, address environmental harms in low-income and BIPOC communities, improve climate resilience, support workforce development and new green jobs; and 

WHEREAS, the state’s most recent transportation funding plan for fiscal years 2022 through 2038 that directs investments in transportation improvements, and transit, rail and ferries which includes funding for free ORCA passes for Seattle youth, depends on $5 billion from future CCA auction revenues; and

WHEREAS, without these funds, the City’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address impacts from climate change would be adversely impacted; and

WHEREAS, a coalition of over 300 organizations across the state of Washington oppose Initiative 2117, including firefighting and wildland fire prevention organizations, small business owners, Tribal Nations, medical and public health experts, labor unions, environmental groups, and community organization; and

WHEREAS, RCW 42.17A.555(1) authorizes the Council to take action to express a collective decision, or to actually vote upon a motion, proposal, or ordinance, or to support or oppose a ballot measure so long as (a) the agenda includes the title and number of the ballot proposition, and (b) members of the public and councilmembers are afforded an approximately equal opportunity to express an opposing view; and

WHEREAS, consistent with the procedural mandates of RCW 42.17A.555, the Council considered a resolution in opposition to Initiative 2117 at its October 8, 2024 meeting, and during said meeting, the Council afforded members of the public and Council and approximately equal opportunity for expression of a supporting or opposing view on Initiative 2117; and

WHEREAS, with this resolution, the Mayor and City Council desire to oppose Initiative 2117; NOW, THEREFORE,


Section 1. The City Council and the Mayor express their official position in opposition to Initiative 2117 concerning carbon tax credit trading and the repeal of Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act.

Adopted by the City Council the ________ day of _________________________, 2024, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its adoption this ________ day of _________________________, 2024.

President ____________ of the City Council

The Mayor concurred the ________ day of _________________________, 2024.

Bruce A. Harrell, Mayor

Filed by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2024.

Scheereen Dedman, City Clerk
