Record No: Inf 1925    Version: 1 Council Bill No:
Type: Information Item (Inf) Status: Heard in Committee
Current Controlling Legislative Body Legislative Department
On agenda: 10/26/2021
Ordinance No:
Title: Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI)
Supporting documents: 1. Proposed Amendments Packet


Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI)


SDCI-001-A-001 - Add $150,000 GF to SDCI for a comparative study of permit review times

SDCI-002-A-001 - Add position authority to non-SDCI review locations to improve permit and inspection times at SDCI, add $159,187 GF to SFD to fund a review position, and request a report

SDCI-003-A-001 - Add $164,000 GF and 1.0 FTE Strategic Advisor 2 to SDCI for a childcare permit facilitator

SDCI-004-A-001 - Request that SDCI report on Design Review program outcomes, process improvements, and equity

SDCI-005-A-001 - Add $270,000 and 2.0 FTE Environmental Analysts to SDCI for tree protection

SDCI-006-A-001 - Proviso $865,000 in SDCI for updated tree protection regulations

SDCI-007-A-001 - Add $200,000 GF to SDCI for consultant support for a rental market study

SDCI-008-A-001 - Add $152,000 and 1.0 FTE Strategic Advisor 1 to SDCI for displacement monitoring, assessment, and prevention

SDCI-009-A-001 - Request that SDCI convene a small landlord stakeholder group

SDCI-010-A-001 - Add $1.5 million GF and 1.5 FTE Code Compliance Analysts to SDCI to implement the economic displacement relocation assistance ordinance

SDCI-011-A-001 - Add $500,000 GF to SDCI for tenant services contracts