Record No: CF 314522    Version: 1 Council Bill No:
Type: Clerk File (CF) Status: In Committee
Current Controlling Legislative Body Transportation Committee
On agenda:
Ordinance No:
Title: Petition of BRE-BMR 8th LLC, for the vacation of the alley lying within Block Z, Bell's 6th Addition to the City of Seattle, being the block bounded by Bell Street, 7th Avenue, Battery Street, Denny Way, and 8th Avenue.
Sponsors: Alex Pedersen
Attachments: 1. Vacation Petition Application
Supporting documents: 1. Central Staff Memo, 2. Presentation


Petition of BRE-BMR 8th LLC, for the vacation of the alley lying within Block Z, Bell’s 6th Addition to the City of Seattle, being the block bounded by Bell Street, 7th Avenue, Battery Street, Denny Way, and 8th Avenue.



The Clerk File is provided as an attachment.