Record No: CB 120818    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120818
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 7/30/2024
Ordinance No: Ord 127062
Title: AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming the plat of "13TH AVE. TOWNHOMES" in the portions of Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W.M. in King County, Washington.
Sponsors: No Sponsor Required
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Summary Att A - Vicinity Map, 3. Central Staff Memo
Related files: CF 314489
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming the plat of "13TH AVE. TOWNHOMES" in the portions of Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W.M. in King County, Washington.
WHEREAS, a proposed plat of "13TH AVE. TOWNHOMES" has been submitted for approval to the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) and given the Permit No. 3038128-LU; and
WHEREAS, following review and recommendations by the various City departments that have jurisdiction in this matter and a public hearing by the Hearing Examiner of The City of Seattle on February 14, 2023, the Hearing Examiner approved the preliminary plat of "13TH AVE. TOWNHOMES" subject to certain conditions on February 15, 2023; and
WHEREAS, SDCI has confirmed that the preliminary plat conditions have been satisfied; and
WHEREAS, the Director of Transportation and the Director of SDCI report that the plat of "13th AVE. TOWNHOMES," a copy of which is in Clerk File 314489, is now complete and ready for City Council approval; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. The plat of "13TH AVE. TOWNHOMES," in the portions of Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, is legally described as follows:
Parcel A:
The north 34 feet of lot 4 in block 16 of supplementary plat of Edes and Knights addition to the City of Seattle, as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 194, records of King County WA
Parcel B:
The north 8 feet of lot 3 and the south 26 feet of lot 4, block 16, supplementary plat of Edes and Knights addition to the City of Seattle, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 194, records of King County WA
Section 2. With respect to the plat of "13TH AVE. TOWNHOMES," together with any interest in abutting streets, as executed by Vita...

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