RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION relating to the Findings and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner for The City of Seattle on the Final Assessment Roll for the Waterfront Local Improvement District (LID #6751); remanding certain properties to the City Appraiser for further analysis concerning the valuation of the properties consistent with recommendations of the Initial Report; returning jurisdiction to the Hearing Examiner for final recommendations on the remanded properties; directing the Hearing Examiner to file final findings, recommendations, or decisions on the Final Assessment Roll for the Waterfront LID ("Final Report") with the City Clerk; providing for appeal from the Final Report; and postponing hearings on appeals from the Initial Report previously scheduled via Resolutions 31969, 31972, 31973, and 31974.
WHEREAS, in January 2019, the City commissioned ABS Valuation ("City Appraiser") to perform a Final Special Benefit Study to determine the special benefit that each property located within the boundary of Local Improvement District (LID) No. 6751 ("Waterfront LID") would receive from the LID improvements; and
WHEREAS, based on the estimates in the Final Special Benefit Study, the Director of Transportation prepared the proposed final assessment roll for Waterfront LID and filed it with the City Clerk in November 2019; and
WHEREAS, on November 18, 2019, the City Council ("Council") passed Resolution 31915, which initiated the process to confirm Waterfront LID assessments; and
WHEREAS, Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 35.44.070 requires the Council to hold a hearing on the final assessment roll of a local improvement district where property owners subject to assessment may object to their assessments as described in the roll; and
WHEREAS, RCW 35.44.070 permits the Council to hold the hearing itself, or to designate an officer to conduct the hearing; and
WHEREAS, via Resolution 31915, the Council designated Febru...
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