RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION approving the Seattle Freight Master Plan.
WHEREAS, The City of Seattle's ("City") Comprehensive Plan establishes transportation goals and policies to preserve and improve mobility and access for the transport of goods and services, to enhance Seattle's role as a hub for regional goods movement and as a gateway to national and international suppliers and markets, and to reliably connect the City's manufacturing/industrial centers, urban centers, and business districts with the local, state, and international freight network; and
WHEREAS, Seattle's deep water port and trade relations are important elements of the City's economy, history, and cultural identity; and
WHEREAS, the movement of goods in and out of the City and for local deliveries on City streets is a vital component of creating family-wage jobs and sustaining the City's economic vibrancy and quality of life; and
WHEREAS, in a changing economy, Seattle residents and businesses increasingly require fast, reliable, and direct delivery of goods to their front door; and
WHEREAS, as part of the 2013 Budget, the City Council ("Council") included funding for a Freight Master Plan ("Plan") to ensure efficient and reliable movement of goods by truck freight on City streets; and
WHEREAS, Move Seattle, the Mayor's 10-Year Strategic Vision for Transportation, contains a goal of using Seattle's rights-of-way to improve the City's health, prosperity, and happiness and calls for completing the Plan as a near-term action to improve mobility for freight and delivery vehicles; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Freight Advisory Board, an advisory committee comprised of a diverse group of freight and community stakeholders, guided the development of the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has worked with the Mayor and Council, while engaging the Seattle Freight Advisory Board and a number of other City advisory boards, commission...
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