Record No: CB 120927    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120927
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 2/4/2025
Ordinance No: Ord 127179
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to floodplains; eighth extension of interim regulations established by Ordinance 126113, and as amended by Ordinance 126536, for an additional six months, to allow individuals to rely on updated National Flood Insurance Rate Maps to obtain flood insurance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Program.
Sponsors: Sara Nelson
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Public Hearing Notice, 3. SDCI Memo
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to floodplains; eighth extension of interim regulations established by Ordinance 126113, and as amended by Ordinance 126536, for an additional six months, to allow individuals to rely on updated National Flood Insurance Rate Maps to obtain flood insurance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Program.
WHEREAS, through Ordinance 126113 in July 2020,1 the City adopted interim floodplain development regulations to regulate development in special flood hazard areas in accordance with standards established by the National Flood Insurance Program and the Washington State Department of Ecology and areas identified as flood-prone in subsection 25.09.012.B of the Seattle Municipal Code, with an effective date of August 24, 2020, and an expiration date of February 24, 2021; and
WHEREAS, through Ordinance 126271 in January 2021,2 the City renewed the interim floodplain development regulations for 12 months with an effective date of February 22, 2021, and an expiration date of February 22, 2022, to continue to meet the National Flood Insurance Program and the Washington State Department of Ecology requirements to remain in compliance; and
WHEREAS, through Ordinance 126536 in February 2022,3 the City amended Section 25.06.110 of the Seattle Municipal Code and extended the interim floodplain development regulations for six months with an effective date of February 18, 2022, and an expiration date of August 18, 2022, to continue to meet the National Flood Insurance Program and the Washington State Department of Ecology requirements to remain in compliance; and
WHEREAS, through Ordinance 126651 in August 2022,4 the City again renewed the interim floodplain development regulations as amended by Ordinance 126536 for six months with an effective date of August 17, 2022, and an expiration date of February 17, 2023, to continue to meet the Nationa...

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