ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to a pedestrian skybridge over and across the alley between University Way Northeast and 15th Avenue Northeast, north of Northeast 45th Street, and certain window protrusions over a portion of University Way Northeast; amending Ordinance 122202, updating the insurance and bond requirements; amending the annual fee and other terms and conditions of the permit; renewing the term of the permit to Limantzakis Properties No. 1 LLC; providing for the acceptance of the permit and conditions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
WHEREAS, by Ordinance 122202, The City of Seattle granted Limantzakis Properties No. 1 LLC permission to operate and maintain an existing pedestrian skybridge over and across the alley between University Way Northeast and 15th Avenue Northeast, north of Northeast 45th Street, and certain window protrusions over a portion of University Way Northeast, for a ten-year term, renewable for two successive ten-year terms, and
WHEREAS, the permission authorized by Ordinance 122202 was due for renewal on February 1, 2015; and
WHEREAS, Limantzakis Properties No. 1 LLC submitted an application to the Director of Transportation to renew the permission granted by Ordinance 122202 for a ten year term; and
WHEREAS, Limantzakis Properties No. 1 LLC satisfied all the terms of the original authorizing ordinance and the Director of Transportation recommends that the term permit be renewed for ten years subject to the term identified in this ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. The permission granted to Limantzakis Properties No. 1 LLC by Ordinance 122202, to maintain and operate a pedestrian skybridge over and across the alley between University Way Northeast and 15th Avenue Northeast, north of Northeast 45th Street, and certain window protrusions over a portion of University ...
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