Record No: CF 314358    Version: Council Bill No:
Type: Clerk File (CF) Status: Granted
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 2/20/2018
Ordinance No:
Title: Application of Brook V, LLC to rezone an approximately 14,000 square foot site located at 1600 Dexter Avenue North from Neighborhood Commercial 3 with a pedestrian designation and a 40-foot height limit (NC3P 40) to Neighborhood Commercial 3 with a pedestrian designation, a 75-foot height limit, and the MHA suffix (NC3P 75 (M1)) (Project No. 3021980; Type IV)
Sponsors: No Sponsor Required
Attachments: 1. Rezone Application, 2. Hearing Examiner Findings and Recommendation, 3. Appeal to Hearing Examiner with Exhibits, 4. Applicant Response Brief, 5. Executed Findings, Conclusions, and Decision, 6. Unexecuted Findings, Conclusions, and Decision
Supporting documents: 1. Central Staff Memo (02/07/18), 2. Central Staff Memo (01/17/18), 3. Presentation (01/17/18)


Application of Brook V, LLC to rezone an approximately 14,000 square foot site located at 1600 Dexter Avenue North from Neighborhood Commercial 3 with a pedestrian designation and a 40-foot height limit (NC3P 40) to Neighborhood Commercial 3 with a pedestrian designation, a 75-foot height limit, and the MHA suffix (NC3P 75 (M1)) (Project No. 3021980; Type IV)



The Rezone Application is provided as an attachment.