ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE related to City public works and the priority hire program; amending Sections 20.37.010, 20.37.020, 20.37.040, and 20.37.050 of the Seattle Municipal Code to change references to "project labor agreement" to "community workforce agreement," to make certain technical corrections, and to change the number of core workers open-shop contractors may bring to a project.
WHEREAS, in January 2015, following the positive results of a pilot program on the Elliott Bay Seawall project, and after making legislative findings, the Seattle City Council, with concurrence from the Mayor, enacted Ordinance 124690 ("Priority Hire"), codified in Chapter 20.37 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, Priority Hire requires that a certain percentage of labor hours on City public works construction projects of $5 million or more be performed by workers living in economically distressed areas of Seattle and King County and establishes goals for hiring of women and people of color; and
WHEREAS, analysis has shown that Priority Hire has improved access to training programs and well-paying construction jobs for local workers in economically distressed neighborhoods and increased the diversity of the workforce on City construction projects that are covered by Ordinance 124690; and
WHEREAS, on April 8, 2015, The City of Seattle entered into a project labor agreement with unions called a "Community Workforce Agreement," which binds the unions, the City, and signatory contractors to the requirements of Priority Hire; and
WHEREAS, as codified in Chapter 20.42 of the Seattle Municipal Code, the City is committed to including Women- and Minority-owned Businesses in City contracts and to providing technical assistance to Women and Minority Businesses to increase their capacity to effectively compete for the award of government contracts and subcontracts; and
WHEREAS, a Priority Hire Annual Repo...
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