ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance 125475, which adopted the 2018 Budget; changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council.
WHEREAS, the Department of Finance and Administrative Services intends to sell property at 1933 Minor Avenue, currently home to the Seattle Information Technology Department's Communications Shop, and has submitted legislation to sell said property as Council Bill 119195; and
WHEREAS, the functions of the Communications Shop will need to be relocated to other facilities, at cost to The City of Seattle (City); and
WHEREAS, Seattle is in the midst of a housing affordability crisis, and the number of residents experiencing homelessness in both sheltered and unsheltered living arrangements has grown dramatically; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Pathways Home, the City embraces the evidence-based Housing First philosophy, which recognizes the basic necessity of stable housing as a foundation for successful engagement in supportive services and other appropriate supports. This is a commitment critical to investing in what works and with a singular focus of moving people to stable housing, as well as shifting to a system able to nimbly respond and invest resources across interventions based on current need and best-practices; and
WHEREAS, various City departments have committed to participating in an Innovative Housing Strategies Subcabinet, which will develop a Bridge Housing Investment Strategy to increase the supply of interim or "bridge" shelter and housing for people currently living unsheltered; and
WHEREAS, bridge funding offered to service providers not selected in the Homeless Investments Request for Proposals (RFP) process is limited to less than six months for most recipients, which may be insufficient time for agencies to work with people receiving their services to find new services, and ...
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