RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION recognizing the efforts of the North Delridge community to prepare an action plan for their community; identifying a work program to implement the North Delridge Action Plan; and identifying proposed amendments to the Delridge Neighborhood Plan in the Comprehensive Plan for consideration in 2020.
WHEREAS, City Council Resolution 28966, adopted August 1, 1994, established a Neighborhood Planning Program for The City of Seattle (“City”) that identified the Delridge neighborhood as meeting the criteria for being considered a “distressed area” and therefore eligible for participation in neighborhood planning along with designated Urban Centers, Urban Villages, and Manufacturing/Industrial Centers; and
WHEREAS, in 1999, the community completed the Delridge Neighborhood Plan, and through Ordinance 119789 the City adopted the Delridge Neighborhood Plan goals and policies; and
WHEREAS, in 2008 assessments of the Delridge Neighborhood Plan identified strong community support for updating the 1999 Delridge Neighborhood Plan; and
WHEREAS, in 2013, the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) conducted a preliminary assessment of the Delridge area that identified community characteristics, a number of challenges including public health disparities, as well as opportunities for collaborative planning; and
WHEREAS, in 2014, DPD and the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) decided to undertake a community-based planning process in north Delridge; and
WHEREAS, in December 2014, DPD and DON recruited new and long-time community members to form the North Delridge Action Community Team (ACT), and to work in partnership with the City and the community to balance different interests, advise on the planning process, and work together to oversee the creation and implementation of the North Delridge Action Plan (“Action Plan”), including proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan’s Delridge Neighborhood Planning Element; and
WHEREAS, from 2014 to 2016, DON, DPD, and DPD’s successor department, the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD), conducted significant public outreach in the North Delridge area, including DON’s Community Liaison program actively engaging Latinx, Somali, Vietnamese, and Cambodian community members who have historically been underrepresented in community planning processes; and
WHEREAS, under the ACT’s leadership across two years, over 400 residents, business owners, and stakeholders engaged in three public workshops and at community meetings to create the Action Plan; and
WHEREAS, this robust engagement process resulted in an Action Plan with six priorities: supporting diverse and engaged communities; developing dynamic neighborhood destinations; improving access to affordable, healthy food; creating active transportation choices; nurturing a healthy Longfellow Creek Watershed; and leveraging parks and cultural facilities to support a healthy community. The Action Plan seeks to coordinate existing and anticipated public and private investments and support community led efforts in the North Delridge to achieve the community’s vision; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation has earmarked $50,000 for a community planning process to examine enhancements to trail access points along SW Brandon Street as recommended in the Action Plan, and community engagement will begin in the second quarter of 2019; and
WHEREAS, the community engagement work will include design work for entries to the Camp Long trail at 29th Ave SW and to the Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail at SW Brandon Street that are more open and inviting to the public, improvements to the trail on the south side of SW Brandon Street between the Camp Long and Longfellow Creek trail entry points, and wayfinding elements to help pedestrians use SW Brandon Street as a route between High Point and Delridge; and
WHEREAS, the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association and the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center are working in the Delridge neighborhood to implement the Action Plan by supporting diverse and engaged communities, providing dynamic neighborhood destinations, nurturing a healthy Longfellow Creek Basin, and leveraging parks and cultural facilities to support a healthy community; and
WHEREAS, Southwest Youth and Family Services is working to implement the Action Plan by supporting the diverse communities of Delridge; and
WHEREAS, the Delridge Grocery Cooperative is working to start a co-op in Brandon Junction; and
WHEREAS, a light rail station is planned to serve the Delridge neighborhood, and OPCD will work with the Delridge community on planning for the station; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. North Delridge Action Plan. The City of Seattle (“City”) recognizes the effort of the community members who participated in the creation of the North Delridge Action Plan, as shown as Attachment A to this resolution, as well as their deep commitment to the Delridge community, and their collaborative work to bring about a shared vision for North Delridge.
Section 2. Work Program. The Executive is requested to work with the Delridge community to implement the priorities identified in Attachment B to this resolution. As the City works with the Delridge community, the Executive should work to integrate South Delridge into the implementation efforts, as appropriate.
Section 3. Comprehensive Plan. The Council requests that the Office of Planning and Community Development review the draft Comprehensive Plan amendments included as Attachment C to this resolution, complete environmental review of the proposed amendments, and recommend amendments to the Delridge Neighborhood Plan goals and policies in the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan to implement the North Delridge Action Plan alongside any other Comprehensive Plan amendments docketed for consideration in 2020.
Adopted by the City Council the ________ day of _________________________, 2019, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its adoption this ________ day of _________________________, 2019.
President ____________ of the City Council
The Mayor concurred the ________ day of _________________________, 2019.
Jenny A. Durkan, Mayor
Filed by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2019.
Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk
Attachment A - North Delridge Action Plan
Attachment B - North Delridge Action Plan Priority Actions
Attachment C - Delridge Neighborhood Plan Amendments