RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION relating to a Green New Deal for Seattle; establishing goals, identifying actions necessary to meet these goals, affirming the federal Green New Deal resolution, and calling for the federal government to enact policies to advance a Green New Deal.
WHEREAS, an October 2018 United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report states that human beings have only until 2030 to limit devastating global warming and avoid a climate catastrophe; and
WHEREAS, the 2018 IPCC report also states that every bit of warming matters, so every fraction of a degree less of warming will save lives and pay dividends across the world's economies; and
WHEREAS, available climate data indicates that the world is already experiencing impacts from climate change, including more intense storms, unprecedented flooding, and more frequent and longer-burning wildfires; and
WHEREAS, an inadequate response to climate change will increase the risk of economic and environmental disruptions, such as more severe storms, longer and hotter heat waves, worsening flood and drought cycles, growing invasive species and insect problems, accelerated species extinction rates, rising sea levels, increased wildfires, and an increase in environmental migration; and
WHEREAS, in 2001, the Seattle City Council ("Council") adopted, with the Mayor concurring, Resolution 30316, supporting efforts to curb global warming, adopting greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals for Seattle, and committing to ongoing efforts to achieve these goals; and
WHEREAS, in 2006, the Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE) issued the first Seattle Climate Action Plan, which included a suite of actions to reduce GHG emissions; and
WHEREAS, in 2009 The City of Seattle ("City") established the Race and Social Justice Initiative through Resolution 31164, affirming the City's race and social justice work and directing City departments to u...
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