Record No: CB 119866    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 119866
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 9/8/2020
Ordinance No: Ord 126163
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; creating a restricted cash account for depositing donations and gifts; authorizing the General Manager/CEO of Seattle Public Utilities to accept donations and gifts into the account for the purpose of providing financial assistance to its low-income customers.
Sponsors: Alex Pedersen
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Presentation, 3. Signed Ordinance 126163, 4. Affidavit of Publication
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; creating a restricted cash account for depositing donations and gifts; authorizing the General Manager/CEO of Seattle Public Utilities to accept donations and gifts into the account for the purpose of providing financial assistance to its low-income customers.
WHEREAS, Chapter 21.76 of the Seattle Municipal Code establishes a Utility Discount Program and a Low Income Emergency Assistance Program to assist qualified low-income residential utility customers; and
WHEREAS, the water, wastewater, drainage, and solid waste services that Seattle Public Utilities provides are vital to public health and individual well-being; and
WHEREAS, Seattle City Light offers its customers and the general public the opportunity to donate to help low-income Seattle City Light customers pay their electric bills; and
WHEREAS, many philanthropic people and businesses generously wish to donate resources to further assist lower-income households in need; and
WHEREAS, Article 1, Section 1 of The Charter of The Seattle City Charter states The City of Seattle "may accept gifts and donations of all kinds...and do all acts necessary to carry out the purposes" of the gifts and donations; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. A new Seattle Public Utilities Donation Account (Account) is created as a restricted cash account within Seattle Public Utilities' Water Fund.
Section 2. The purpose of the Account is to financially assist low-income Seattle Public Utilities customers in paying their Seattle Public Utilities bills, rates, charges, and fees, over and above the level of assistance that is available through the Utility Discount Program and the Emergency Assistance Program.
Section 3. The Account shall receive donations in the form of cash, gifts, or grants from organizations, corporations, or individ...

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