CB 119706
| 1 | 1. | fCB 119706 | Council Bill (CB) | AN ORDINANCE relating to gifts and donations to the City; eliminating the Gift Catalogue Account and creating specific departmental donation funds; adding the Office of Intergovernmental Relations as a department eligible to receive donation funds; allowing department heads to accept certain gifts; making technical corrections; amending Chapter 5.78 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and repealing Ordinance 120935. | discussed | |
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Res 31919
| 1 | 2. | | Resolution (Res) | A RESOLUTION relating to the Technology Matching Fund program; requesting the Chief Technology Officer to set the program’s guidelines, goals, project eligibility and selection criteria, and maximum grant awards, and to execute contracts and encumber funds in support of the program; approving the membership requirements of a review committee to recommend project selection under the program; and requesting the Chief Technology Officer to approve projects under the program after receiving recommendations from the review committee. | adopt as amended | Pass |
Action details
CB 119707
| 1 | 3. | CB 119707 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department; authorizing the General Manager and Chief Executive Officer to enter into an easement area amendment agreement with King County, to revise the legal description of an existing easement for an electric transmission and distribution line through King County Airport property. | pass | Pass |
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