Inf 959
| 1 | 1. | | Information Item (Inf) | Initial Balancing Package | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 2-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Adjust GSF and transportation fund revenues to reflect the November 2017 forecast update. | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 13-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPU's Employee to Manager Ratio | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 15-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend the 2018-2023 Proposed CIP and the 2018 Proposed Budget to reflect changes included in SPU's 2017 Proposed Strategic Business Plan Update (as Amended by the CRUEDA Committee) | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 24-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $211,359 from Applications Development - SPD project (D601TCSPD) in Seattle IT for SPD Records Management System | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 29-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $92,625 GSF and 1 position to OSE for the Environmental Justice Committee | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 31-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by OSE on a food access pilot | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 30-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Healthy Foods Here Implementation | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 37-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $3 million for SDOT's Bridge System Enhancements/Remote Bridge Operations | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 38-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 to SDOT for Pre-Tax Transit Benefit Program education and outreach | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 39-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 to SDOT for a consultant study on local diversion due to tolling on State Route 99 | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 40-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $230,000 and 1.0 term-limited Strategic Advisor 1 position in SDOT for the Transportation Equity program | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 41-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso SDOT spending on the NE 43rd Street Improvements CIP Project | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 42-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $75,000 to SDOT for permanent Play Street installations | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 43-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 to SDOT to restore funding for the Summer Parkways Program | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 45-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $600,000 to SDOT for a new Georgetown-South Park Trail CIP project | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 46-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $3.6 million for SDOT New Sidewalk and ADA Program CIP projects | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 55-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Speed and Reliability recommendations for the South Lake Union and First Hill streetcar lines | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 44-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $500,000 to SDOT for pedestrian improvements identified by the South Park Public Safety Taskforce | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 70-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Impose a proviso on $150,000 in the Arts budget for implementation of Creation, Activation, and Preservation of Cultural Space (CAP) recommendation | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 73-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $35,000 of fund balance in DPR for community planning for Hubbard Homestead Park | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 56-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Downtown Alley Congestion Relief | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 75-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $69,000 of fund balance in DPR for operation of seven wading pools | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 76-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $138,353 of DPR fund balance and add three positions to increase staffing at Magnuson Park Community Center | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 77-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $21,600 of fund balance in DPR to purchase 12 emergency preparedness boxes for placement in City parks | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 69-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $76,553 GSF and .5 FTE Strategic Advisor I to Arts to be a liaison between Arts and SDCI | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 80-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $153,750 GSF support for a Manager 3 position in DPR to fund the My Brother's Keeper mentoring program, add $153,750 GSF to HSD for Food Banks, and impose a proviso | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 88-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $250,000 GSF from Seattle Center, reduce Long Range Investment Plan CIP, and increase use of fund balance | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 97-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $100,000 GSF to SOCR and impose a proviso for funding a comprehensive community-based youth diversion program | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 98-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $400,000 GSF to SOCR for Zero Youth Detention initiative contracts and capacity building | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 70-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Impose a proviso on $150,000 in the Arts budget for implementation of Creation, Activation, and Preservation of Cultural Space (CAP) recommendation | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 71-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by Arts on creating a cultural space management public development authority (PDA) | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 74-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Create a new Magnuson Park Community Center CIP project and transfer funding from the Community Center Rehab CIP project to the Lake City Community Center CIP project and the new CIP project | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 117-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $51,750 GSF to the Library for Wi-Fi hotspots | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 79-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $150,000 in REET I in DPR for P-Patch Space Planning and make corresponding modifications to the DPR CIP | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 79-2-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | P-Patch program report by DON | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 132-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $50,000 GSF to OPCD for an Accessory Dwelling Unit website | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 138-3-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 GSF to HSD for tenant outreach and support services and cut $200,000 GSF from SDCI and increase use of SDCI's fund balance | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 99-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 GSF to SOCR to fund a racial equity toolkit process to determine office structure and design and a temporary Strategic Advisor I position | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 139-2-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $75,000 of SDCI's Planning and Development fund balance and add a 0.5 FTE term limited position in SDCI to develop an enhanced Vacant Building Monitoring Program. | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 140-2-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SDCI and OED report on outreach to affected communities regarding Seattle's URM building policy | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 141-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $122,000 GSF from SDCI and add $122,000 from the CRS-U fund for TRAO staffing. | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 142-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $61,460 GSF from SDCI and replace with $61,460 from the Planning and Development Fund's fund balance | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 104-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Seattle Worker's Access to Insured Reproductive Health Benefits | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 162-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 GSF to DEEL to support educator workforce diversity and the bilingual teacher pipeline | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 116-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $2,855,000 of Library Capital Subfund fund balance to the Library for a multi-use facility | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 164-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Public sector child care program study | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 165-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $760,000 GSF from DEEL and replace with fund balance usage | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 168-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $60,000 GSF to OED in 2018 for garbage pickup and street cleaning in Chinatown-ID | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 170-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $75,000 GSF to OED for a legacy business and community based economic development program and impose a proviso | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 126-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $125,000 GSF to OIRA to expand the Ready to Work program to SW Seattle | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 181-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Transfer $113,540 GSF of SDCI Planning and Development Fund balance to DON for a Strategic Advisor 1 position to support design review outreach starting in the second quarter | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 183-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Review of DON fees for new construction projects to improve cost recovery | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 131-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut three vacant positions and add three positions to OPCD to support community planning and reduce GSF appropriations by $70,581 | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 201-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $324,853 GSF to SPD for 2.0 FTE and training for Office of Police Accountability | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 202-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPD Report on Overtime Policy Implementation | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 203-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPD Overtime Overexpenditure Workgroup | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 204-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPD smartphone business case | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 139-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $130,000 GSF to SDCI to make a sunset position ongoing in Code Development | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 209-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $374,616 GSF to CPC for 2.5 FTE and contracting and expenses | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 161-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $400,000 GSF to DEEL for homeless child care program | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 226-1-C-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $500,000 in GSF to Finance General for a Homeless Youth and/or Young Adults Opportunity Center and Housing Project | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 227-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $75,000 of fund balance in OH to support the Home and Hope Project | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 234-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $100,000 GSF to SPU for the Clean City unauthorized homeless encampment bag pilot program | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 235-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $3,300,000 GSF in HSD for homelessness emergency services | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 163-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report on including K-12 education programs funded by the Sweetened Beverage Tax in future Families and Education Levy | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 170-2-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by OED on financial tools for Legacy Businesses | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 195-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SFD and SPD report on building first responder partnerships with social and health service providers or other resources | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 240-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on unauthorized encampment removals | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 242-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | FAS reporting on Navigation Team pursuant to City Auditor reporting plan recommendations | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 205-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $75,000 GSF to SPD to support a South Park public safety coordinator | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 256-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $1,000,000 GSF to HSD to support LEAD expansion in North Seattle plus | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 225-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 from GSF to OH to fund exploration of community ownership housing models | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 258-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 GSF to HSD for a Navigation Team nurse | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 259-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $550,000 GSF to a reserve in Finance General for creation of a Safe Consumption Site | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 236-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $588,000 GSF for transitional housing for homeless foster youth | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 237-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $2.75 million GSF to HSD for permanent supportive housing services | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 263-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on spending for the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 239-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on spending for Navigation Team | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 267-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 GSF to HSD and impose a proviso for legal representation of survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault (DVSA) for Sexual Assault Protection Order cases | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 268-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $400,000 GSF to HSD and impose a proviso for flexible and mobile advocates to assist Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DVSA) survivors | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 269-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $400,000 GSF to HSD and impose provisos to support DVSA survivor advocacy contracts and drop-in and support services for Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) survivors along Aurora Avenue North | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 270-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report regarding how the Executive plans to implement Resolution 31775 | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 274-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 GSF to HSD to assist parents in overcoming barriers to regaining custody of their children | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 255-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $60,000 GSF to HSD to increase programming for seniors in Lake City and create programming in Northgate | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 276-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $50,000 GSF to Finance General for a feasibility study regarding alternatives to youth detention | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 257-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $161,000 GSF to HSD to fund a prescriber for a Public Health facility | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 280-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $436,408 GSF to HSD and 4.0 FTE for additional staffing | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 281-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by HSD on disparities between internal and contracted human service provider wages | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 282-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $450,000 GSF to HSD to support authorized encampments | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 283-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on spending related to vehicular residences | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 291-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Increase a half-time Executive Assistant position in OCA to full-time and add $41,694 GSF to cover the cost of this increase. | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 260-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) expansion | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 293-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $200,000 GSF from OCA (Office of City Auditor) for surveillance technology review | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 295-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $50,000 GSF to LEG to fund SOCR's racial equity toolkit process regarding structure and design of SOCR | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 261-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Feasibility study for siting a safe consumption site in Seattle | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 266-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 GSF to HSD to support emergency shelter units and advocacy for survivors of domestic violence | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 275-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $25,000 GSF to HSD to support training for a pilot program supporting youth | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 277-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $10,000 to Finance General reserves for implementation of recommendations from the Seattle Leadership, Intervention, and Change (LINC) Steering Committee summit | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 292-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $223,356 GSF to the Office of City Auditor for the Secure Scheduling evaluation. | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 333-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend the FAS CIP to cut $1 million in 2018 from the SPD North Area Interim and Long-term Facilities project and use the funds for participatory budgeting | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 335-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass CB xxxxxx establishing an Employee Hours Tax of $100/FTE on firms with gross income over $5M/yr, pass interfund loan CB yyyyyy to finance systems, and create a new CIP project in ITD | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 336-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Requesting FAS review the costs of all regulatory fees and report to the Council on the level of General Subfund subsidy involved in each one | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 337-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. XXXXXX authorizing an interfund loan of $11 million to the GSF to help address the homelessness crisis, the loan to be repaid from the Employee Hours Tax revenue beginning in 2019 | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 348-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $204,000 GSF to FAS for the Priority Hire Program and impose two budget provisos | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 351-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. XXXXXX, add $1.3M GSF and five positions to FAS, and add $2.9M GSF to ITD to implement the short-term rental tax and regulatory license | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 296-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Create and outline an inclusive role of Boards and Commissions in the City Council Budget Review Process | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 362-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend and pass as amended C.B. 119123, the third quarter 2017 supplemental appropriations ordinance. | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 300-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Reduce $138,235 GSF from Finance General and increase $161,138 GSF in LAW and add a Manager III position in LAW for the DV firearm forfeiture program | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 302-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $15,000 GSF to LAW to contract for trace data reporting | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 313-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $43,800 GSF to SMC to provide subsidized remote home monitoring slots to indigent people at risk of or experiencing homelessness | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 327-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $52,942 GSF to OIR to restore human services advocacy funding | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 356-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Statement of Legislative Intent concerning restructuring the Judgment and Claims Subfund | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 376-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119108 correcting omissions in the DPR Fee Ordinance | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 377-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. XXXXXX; HSD Results Based Accountability contracting | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 378-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119114 - Equitable Development Initiative interfund loan | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 379-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119113; Seattle Retirement Savings Plan | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 380-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119098 to extend the interfund term loan for the Mercer West Project. | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 381-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119099 amending the Street Use Permit Fee Schedule | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 387-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. XXXXXX directing SPD withdrawal from the federal 1033 program | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 382-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119115 amending Ordinance 121176 to remove performance pay for the head of City Light | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 383-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119107, SDCI's Emergency Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 384-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119106, SDCI's 2018 Fee Ordinance | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 385-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. XXXXXX; SDOT Grant Applications Approval | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 386-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119120 amending removal provisions for the next SOCR Director confirmed by Council | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 400-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SLI to Develop Recommendations on Worker Retention Protections | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 401-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by CBO on options for the use of revenues from the Income Tax on High-Income Residents | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 30-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Healthy Foods Here Implementation | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 71-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by Arts on creating a cultural space management public development authority (PDA) | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 79-2-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | P-Patch program report by DON | heard in Committee | |
Action details