Inf 679
| 1 | 1. | | Information Item (Inf) | Appointment of Sandy Wolf to the Ballard Avenue Landmark District Board | heard in Committee | |
Action details
CB 118790
| 1 | 2. | CB 118790 | Council Bill (CB) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Department of Transportation jurisdictional property located in Lot 1, Block 81, Lake Union Shore Lands, in King County, Washington, commonly referred to as 900 Broad Street (“Property”) and declaring it as surplus to the City’s needs; removing the limited access highway purposes property designation; authorizing the sale of the Property for fair market value through an open and competitive sales process managed by the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; authorizing the Director of Transportation, or the Director’s designee, to execute all necessary documents to accomplish the sale of the Property; and designating the proceeds from the sale. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 118791
| 1 | 3. | CB 118791 | Council Bill (CB) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Department of Transportation jurisdictional property located in Lots 1 and 2, Block 12, Eden Addition No. 2 to the City of Seattle, commonly referred to as 911 Aurora Avenue North (“Property”) and declaring it as surplus to the City’s needs; removing the limited access highway purposes property designation; authorizing the sale of the Property for fair market value through an open and competitive sales process managed by the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; authorizing the Director of Transportation or the Director’s designee to execute all necessary documents to accomplish the sale of the property; and designating the proceeds from the sale. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 118792
| 1 | 4. | CB 118792 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to street and sidewalk use; amending Section 11.40.250 of the Seattle Municipal Code to authorize the Play Street program as an allowable use of the public place. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 118789
| 1 | 5. | CB 118789 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE vacating the remaining north 40 feet of the alley in Block 18, being the remaining portion of the alley in the block lying between East Cherry Street on the north and East Jefferson Street on the south, the alley being located approximately 140 feet west of 12th Avenue, on the petition of Seattle University (Clerk File 305367). | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 118872
| 1 | 6. | CB 118872 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE vacating the alley in Block 14, Heirs of Sarah A. Bell’s Addition, bounded by Westlake Avenue, Virginia Street, 6th Avenue, Lenora Street, and 7th Avenue, on the petition of Acorn Development LLC (Clerk File 312260). | pass | Pass |
Action details
Inf 500
| 1 | 7. | | Information Item (Inf) | Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan Update | heard in Committee | |
Action details