Inf 2061
| 1 | 1. | | Information Item (Inf) | AN ORDINANCE relating to civilian and community oversight of the police; establishing a process for investigating complaints naming the Chief of Police; adding a new subchapter V to Chapter 3.29 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and amending Section 49 of Ordinance 125315 to renumber the existing Subchapter V of Chapter 3.29 and Sections 3.29.500 and 3.29.510 of the Seattle Municipal Code. | heard in Committee | |
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Inf 2062
| 1 | 2. | | Information Item (Inf) | Neighborhood Business Districts Public Safety Presentation | heard in Committee | |
Action details
CB 120294
| 1 | 3. | CB 120294 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to app-based worker labor standards; establishing a compensation scheme for app-based workers with minimum pay requirements and related standards for transparency and flexibility; amending Sections 3.02.125, 3.15.000, and 6.208.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and adding a new Title 8 and Chapter 8.37 to the Seattle Municipal Code. | pass as amended | Pass |
Action details