Record No: CB 120780    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120780
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 5/14/2024
Ordinance No: Ord 127022
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the acquisition of real property by negotiation or eminent domain (condemnation) of seven separate parcels of land ("Properties") or eminent domain (condemnation) of leases identified as King County Parcel Number 7327903645 located at 7760 8th Avenue South, King County Parcel Number 7327902490 located at 803 South Chicago Street, King County Parcel Number 7327902480 located at 811 South Chicago Street, King County Parcel Number 7327902520 located at 7814 8th Avenue South, King County Parcel Number 7327902500 located at 7808 8th Avenue South, King County Parcel Number 7327902510 located at 836 South Kenyon Street, and King County Parcel Number 7327902395 located at 850 South Kenyon Street; authorizing the General Manager and Chief Executive Officer of Seattle Public Utilities to execute all documents and take other necessary actions to complete the Properties' acquisition, including acceptance and recording of the deeds; and...
Sponsors: Joy Hollingsworth
Attachments: 1. Att 1 – Legal Descriptions, 2. Att 2 – Vicinity Maps
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Summary Ex A - Racial Equity Toolkit for South Park Water Quality Facility Project Planning and Options Analysis Phases, 3. Presentation, 4. Signed Ordinance 127022


ORDINANCE __________________

COUNCIL BILL __________________


AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the acquisition of real property by negotiation or eminent domain (condemnation) of seven separate parcels of land (“Properties”) or eminent domain (condemnation) of leases identified as King County Parcel Number 7327903645 located at 7760 8th Avenue South, King County Parcel Number 7327902490 located at 803 South Chicago Street, King County Parcel Number 7327902480 located at 811 South Chicago Street, King County Parcel Number 7327902520 located at 7814 8th Avenue South, King County Parcel Number 7327902500 located at 7808 8th Avenue South, King County Parcel Number 7327902510 located at 836 South Kenyon Street, and King County Parcel Number 7327902395 located at 850 South Kenyon Street; authorizing the General Manager and Chief Executive Officer of Seattle Public Utilities to execute all documents and take other necessary actions to complete the Properties’ acquisition, including acceptance and recording of the deeds; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.


WHEREAS, the City, acting through and by Seattle Public Utilities, is planning and designing its South Park Water Quality Facility Project (“Project”) to improve stormwater quality issues and intends to construct said Project in the vicinity of the intersection of 8th Avenue South and South Kenyon Street in the South Park neighborhood of Seattle; and

WHEREAS, the Project has identified seven contiguous parcels in South Park that meet the Project’s needs, and have secured funding to complete the purchase; and

WHEREAS, Silver Bay Logging, Inc., owns four of the identified parcels located at 7760 8th Avenue South, 803 South Chicago Street, 811 South Chicago Street, and 7814 8th Avenue South, all within Seattle, in close proximity to the Project location, and desires to sell those properties; and

WHEREAS, RJ & BA, LLC owns real property located at 7808 8th Ave South within King County in close proximity to the Project location, and desires to sell that Property; and

WHEREAS, Jamma, LLC, owns real property located at 836 South Kenyon Street, Seattle, in close proximity to the Project location, and desires to sell that Property; and

WHEREAS, Stanley Moshier owns real property located at 850 South Kenyon Street, Seattle, in close proximity to the Project location, and desires to sell that Property; and

WHEREAS, Seattle Public Utilities and Silver Bay Logging, Inc., have agreed on terms and fair market value for the property acquisition; and

WHEREAS, Seattle Public Utilities and RJ & BA, LLC, are negotiating terms and fair market value for the property acquisition; and

WHEREAS, Seattle Public Utilities and Jamma, LLC, are negotiating terms and fair market value for the property acquisition; and

WHEREAS, Seattle Public Utilities and Stanley Moshier are negotiating terms and fair market value for the property acquisition; NOW, THEREFORE,


Section 1. Seattle Public Utilities is hereby authorized to purchase property and leases, by negotiation or eminent domain (condemnation), approximately 35,699 square feet of real property located at 7760 8th Avenue South, identified by King County Assessor Parcel Number 7327903645; approximately 5,000 square feet of real property located at 803 South Chicago Street, identified by King County Assessor Parcel Number 7327902490; approximately 5,000 square feet of real property located at 811 South Chicago Street, identified by King County Assessor Parcel Number 7327902480; approximately 65,082 square feet of real property located at 7814 8th Avenue South, identified by King County Assessor Parcel Number 7327902520; approximately 5,000 square feet of real property located at 7808 8th Ave South, identified by King County Assessor Parcel Number 7327902500; approximately 15,449 square feet of real property located at 836 South Kenyon Street, identified by King County Assessor Parcel Number 7327902510; and approximately 2,747 of real property located at 850 South Kenyon Street, identified by King County Assessor Parcel Number 7327902395 (collectively, the “Properties”), and legally described in Attachment 1 and depicted in Attachment 2 to this ordinance, for $2,995,000 and other costs required for the City to obtain title and rights to the Properties. The appropriation shall be paid out of the Seattle Public Utilities Drainage and Wastewater Fund under the existing Capital Improvement Program (South Park Water Quality Facility, Project Identification No. C314066).

Section 2. The General Manager and Chief Executive Officer of Seattle Public Utilities, or the General Manager and Chief Executive Officer’s designee, is authorized to execute any necessary documents and agreements; accept, deliver, and record on behalf of the City any necessary deeds; and take any other actions reasonably necessary to effectuate this ordinance.

Section 3. The acquired Properties shall be placed under the jurisdiction of Seattle Public Utilities.

Section 4. Any act consistent with the authority of this ordinance taken after its passage and prior to its effective date is ratified and confirmed.

Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Sections 1.04.020 and 1.04.070.

Passed by the City Council the ________ day of _________________________, 2024, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this ________ day of _________________________, 2024.

President ____________ of the City Council


Approved /


returned unsigned /


vetoed this _____ day of _________________, 2024.

Bruce A. Harrell, Mayor

Filed by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2024.

Scheereen Dedman, City Clerk



Attachment 1 - Legal Descriptions

Attachment 2 - Vicinity Maps