Record No: CB 120681    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120681
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 11/21/2023
Ordinance No: Ord 126936
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Fire Department's services and fees; adding, deleting, and revising various Seattle Fire Department permit, inspection, and development-related fees and related provisions; and amending Sections 22.602.045, 22.602.070, and 22.900G.060 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Sponsors: Teresa Mosqueda
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Signed Ordinance 126936, 3. Affidavit of Publication


ORDINANCE __________________

COUNCIL BILL __________________


AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Fire Department’s services and fees; adding, deleting, and revising various Seattle Fire Department permit, inspection, and development-related fees and related provisions; and amending Sections 22.602.045, 22.602.070, and 22.900G.060 of the Seattle Municipal Code.


WHEREAS, Seattle Fire Department permit, inspection, certification, and plan review fees were last modified on January 1, 2023, as authorized by Ordinance 126711; and

WHEREAS, amendments to the Seattle Fire Code from time to time require the introduction of new Seattle Fire Department permits, the elimination of other permits, and modifications to permit titles and administration, to ensure consistency between the permit structure and Seattle Fire Code regulations; and

WHEREAS, the City wishes to maintain or improve cost recovery for the provision of fire prevention services related to specific permitted activities, inspections, plan reviews, and certifications; NOW, THEREFORE,


Section 1. Section 22.602.045 of the Seattle Municipal Code, last amended by Ordinance 126711, is amended as follows:

22.602.045 Fees

* * *

B. The fees for the following special event permits are established in Schedule B. See Table B for 22.602.045.

Special Events Permit Fees
Effective January 1, ((2023)) 2024

Schedule B Table B for 22.602.045 Special Event Permits See notes Late Feea,b, Fireworksc applicable to all Schedule B permit fees.

Code No.

Permit Title

Original Fee

Renewal Fee

* * *


Flammable Liquids, Place of Assembly, temporary single eventa


No renewal


Flame effects (all fuel types), special events, temporary single event, projected attendance 250-999b


No renewal


Flame effects (all fuel types), special events, temporary single event, projected attendance 1,000 and above b


No renewal


Flame effects (all fuel types), special events, temporary single event, projected attendance 250 and above, issued in conjunction with an SFD 7801 or 7803 Permit for Pyrotechnics b


No renewal

* * *

a Late Fee Applied. Schedule B permit applications for permits 1102-H, 2500 FM, 2511, 8020, 8206, 8207-VH, and 8208 that are received by the Seattle Fire Department fewer than ten calendar days prior to the event, not counting the day of the event for which they apply, shall be assessed a late fee in addition to the permit fee. The late fee shall be equal to 50 percent of the original permit fee. Applications received three or fewer business days prior to the event may not be processed and the permit may not be issued. Payment for Schedule B permit renewals, where allowed, which is received more than 30 calendar days but fewer than 91 calendar days past the permit expiration date shall be equal to 1.25 times the renewal fee. The renewal permit will be valid for only one year from the expiration date of the prior permit. Permits for which no renewal payment has been received within 90 calendar days following the permit expiration date will be cancelled. Permits that have been cancelled may be reinstated, effective from the expiration date, if the permit holder pays a late penalty of 1.5 times the fee for an original permit within 180 days of the expiration date. Thereafter, any person whose permit has been cancelled shall not be allowed to reinstate the cancelled permit, but shall be required to submit a new permit application and pay a late penalty of 1.5 times the fee for an original permit. Note: new applications for permits 8206 (all types) and 2500-LPG are not subject to late fees; the renewal process for these annual permits does include late fees and if permits are not renewed timely, late fees related to the renewal will be applied as described above in this footnote a.

b Late Fee Applied. Applications for temporary, non-renewable Schedule B permits 1102-FE, 2503 to 2505.4, 3201, 3201-CTY, 3201-SFD, 7801.1 to 7802, 8205.1 to 8205.3, and 8207-FE that are received by the Seattle Fire Department fewer than 30 calendar days prior to the event, not counting the day of the event for which they apply, shall be assessed a late fee in addition to the permit fee and any applicable time charge. The late fee shall be equal to 50 percent of the original permit fee. Applications received three or fewer business days prior to the event may not be processed and the permit may not be issued.

c Fireworks Permits. An application for a fireworks permit shall be made in writing to the fire code official at least 30 calendar days in advance of the display. At the time the permit application is submitted, the fire code official shall be consulted regarding requirements for standby fire apparatus.

C. The fees for the following special hazards permits are established in Schedule C. See Table C for 22.602.045.

Special Hazards Permits

Fees for special hazards permits are established in Schedule C (See Table C for 22.602.045). In some cases these fees are based on the quantity of hazardous material stored and/or handled at the site and the relative risk posed by each material.

* * *

Special Hazards Permit Fees
Effective January 1, ((2023)) 2024

Schedule C  Table C for 22.602.045 Special hazards permits1

Code Numbers

Permit Title

Original Fee

Renewal Fee

Miscellaneous Special Hazards Permits

* * *


Lumber yards and woodworking facilities




Lithium battery storage




Additive manufacturing (3-D printing)




Wrecking yard




Installation of tanks for storage of combustible liquid serving emergency/standby power systems


No renewal


Fruit and crop ripening




Fumigation and thermal insecticidal fogging, temporary


No renewal


Magnesium working




Manufacture of organic coatings

Fee worksheet

Half original1


Semiconductor fabrication facilities

Fee worksheet

Half original1


Industrial oven




Energy storage systems




Installation of ((battery systems)) energy storage systems


((No renewal)) May be renewed as 6401


Combustible dust-producing operation




Fuel dispensing (open use) into equipment from aboveground tank




High-piled combustible storage

$311 plus time charge

$311 plus time charge

* * *


* * *

L. Fees for certification examinations are established in Schedule L. Each examination fee listed under Schedule L includes one test and one opportunity to retake the test under the following "re-test" conditions: the person taking the examination does not pass the examination the first time and the "re-test" occurs within 90 calendar days of the original test. Upon successfully passing a certification examination, and upon providing evidence of current State of Washington certification if required by State law for that certification type, the person who took the test will be certified by The City of Seattle for that certification type for one year. The certification may be renewed for two subsequent years at no cost to the licensee. The licensee will, however, need to demonstrate continued competence and continue to comply with State regulations where applicable as a condition of certification renewal. The renewal of the license will be denied if the Seattle Fire Department becomes informed and verifies that the licensee no longer meets the qualifications for the license. Testing is required once every three years.

((Schedule L))

Certification Fees

Effective January 1, 2024


Schedule L Table L for 22.602.045 Certification Examinations and Training

Certification Type



Type AS-ITT(S)

Inspection and testing (except "acceptance testing") of water-based fire protection systems, State Level ITT (Inspection Testing Technician).


Type AS-2(S)

Installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of automatic sprinkler systems, State Level 2 (Residential-Level Sprinkler Fitters in Group R residential buildings up to and including four stories).


Type AS-3(S)

Installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of automatic sprinkler systems, State Level 3 (Journey-Level Sprinkler Fitters in all buildings).


Type E-1

Installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of foam and water mist fire extinguishing systems.


Type E-2

Installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems.


Type E-3

Installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of clean agent, halon replacement, engineered wet chemical, and dry chemical fire ((and spray booth)) extinguishing systems, including spray booths.


Type E-4

Installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of ((engineered or)) pre-engineered wet ((wet/dry chemical fire extinguishing systems)) kitchen hood suppression systems.


* * *


Section 2. Section 22.602.070 of the Seattle Municipal Code, last amended by Ordinance 126711, is amended as follows:

22.602.070 ((Fees for Fire Department plan review and inspection of fire protection systems in new or existing buildings undergoing construction, reconstruction, remodeling, or renovation)) Fire Department development-related fees

A. The responsible party shall pay ((a fee for the Fire Prevention Division to examine and review land use actions, examine and review architectural and system plans, and inspect fire protection systems in new or existing buildings undergoing construction, reconstruction, remodeling, or renovation)) fees to cover the application, review, and inspection process associated with new construction, additions, alterations, and repairs to existing buildings, recommendations for occupancy, and compliance with maintenance requirements in Seattle Fire Code Section 901.6.

((B. The fee for such examination or review shall be $305 plus $305 per hour for each hour exceeding one, effective March 1, 2022.

C. The fee for inspection of fire protection systems in new or existing buildings undergoing construction, reconstruction, remodeling, or renovation shall be as follows:))

((Construction-Related Inspection Fees a ))

Effective January 1, 2024


Table A for 22.602.070 Seattle Fire Department development-related fees

Development-Related Feea

15% of the Development Fee Index calculated from project value as specified in Table D-1 for 22.900D.010

Plan Review Fee

$305 plus $305 per hour for each hour exceeding one

Fire Alarm Systems Inspectionb

$756 plus $7.56 per device > 6 devices

Fire Alarm Systems Inspection with more than 6 devices and no new control panel installation or major modification to systemb

$380 plus $7.56 per device > 6 devices

Inspection of Integrated Testing for Fire Protection Systemsb


Smoke Control - Fire Protection Systems Pre-Inspection (“OK to Test”)


Alternative Extinguishing Fire Suppression Systems Inspectionb


Fire Sprinkler System Inspectionb

$457 plus $4.57 per sprinkler head > 6 sprinkler heads

Standpipe Inspectionb

$325 plus $17 per ((landing with PRVs)) PRV (pressure-reducing valves)

Fire Pump Inspectionb

$325 per pump

Sprinkler System Supply Main Inspectionc


Tenant Improvement Inspection without modification of fire protection systemsc ; or Tenant Improvement with 6 or fewer sprinkler headsc ; or 6 or fewer fire alarm devicesb


Emergency Responder Radio System Coverage((-Systems Testing)) Inspection


Knox Box Inspections and Service Visitsc

$309 plus time charge((a)) d per inspection/service visit

Request for Temporary Certificate of Occupancy recommendation

$346 plus time charge for all related inspection and review((a)) d

Installation of ((Battery)) Energy Storage Systems Permit and Inspection

See Table C for 22.602.045, permit code 6401-Install

Installation of Capacitor Energy Storage Systems Permit and Inspection

See Table C for 22.602.045, permit code 1206-Install

Installation of Fuel Cell Power Systems Permit and Inspection

See Table C for 22.602.045, permit code 1207-Install

Installation of Gas Detection Systems Permit and Inspection

See Table C for 22.602.045, permit code 916-Install

Installation of Tanks for Storage of Combustible Liquid Serving Emergency/Standby Power Systems Permit and Inspection

See Table C for 22.602.045, permit code 3402-Install

Installation of Stationary Tanks for Storage of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) Permit and Inspection

See Table C for 22.602.045, permit code 8201-Install

Footnotes to Table A for 22.602.070  a ((Where a time charge is indicated, a fee shall be charged equal to actual labor costs plus administrative overhead costs for field inspection and/or review exceeding one hour.)) Seattle Fire Department development fees are applied only to projects receiving a construction or phased construction permit.  b Fee includes initial inspection plus subsequent inspection visits with no additional charge until the costs of providing the service exceed the amount paid, in which case further inspections may be billed using the time charge.  c Includes an inspection and one reinspection for a specific project and location.  d Where a time charge is indicated, a fee shall be charged equal to actual labor costs plus administrative overhead costs for field inspection and/or review exceeding one hour.


((D.)) B. Whenever the Fire Prevention Division is requested, or required by the Seattle Fire Code to perform inspections outside regular business hours (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) Monday through Friday, the Fire Chief or the Fire Chief's designee shall collect and the responsible party shall pay a fee for such "overtime" inspection equal to actual labor costs including applicable administrative overhead. If the responsible party does not cancel the "overtime" inspection by 9 a.m. the business day prior to the inspection, and fails to appear within 20 minutes from the original appointment time, the Fire Chief or the Fire Chief's designee shall collect and the responsible party shall pay a fee for such "overtime" inspection equal to actual labor costs including applicable administrative overhead.

((E.)) C. Whenever the Fire Prevention Division is requested to perform an inspection as required by the Fire Code during business hours and the responsible party fails to appear within 20 minutes from the original appointment time and does not cancel the appointment ((by fax or email)) in writing with 24 hours' notice, or fails to have the required personnel and/or equipment prepared and available to conduct the test, the Fire Chief or the Fire Chief's designee shall collect and the responsible party shall pay a fee for such staff time and preparation required to meet the inspection appointment. Such fees shall be based on actual labor costs including any applicable administrative overhead with a one-hour minimum.

((F.)) D. The Director of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections is authorized to collect fees listed in this ((section)) Section 22.602.070 for the Seattle Fire Department, and to transfer those funds to the Seattle Fire Department.

Section 3. Section 22.900G.060 of the Seattle Municipal Code, enacted by Ordinance 123453, is amended as follows:

22.900G.060 Fees for review by the Seattle Fire Department((.))

((The fees for Fire Department Plan Review (Section 22.900A.040.C) shall be collected by the Department for transfer to the Seattle Fire Department.)) The Department is authorized to collect fees for Seattle Fire Department development-related services referred to in subsection 22.900A.040.C and transfer those funds to the Seattle Fire Department.

Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, subsection, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person, property, or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance or the validity of its application to other persons, property, or circumstances.


Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Section 1.04.020.

Passed by the City Council the ________ day of _________________________, 2023, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this ________ day of _________________________, 2023.


President ____________ of the City Council

                     Approved /                     returned unsigned /                     vetoed this _____ day of _________________, 2023.


Bruce A. Harrell, Mayor

Filed by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2023.


Scheereen Dedman, City Clerk
