Record No: CB 120665    Version: Council Bill No: CB 120665
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 9/26/2023
Ordinance No: Ord 126910
Title: AN ORDINANCE amending Sections 5.24.020 and 5.24.030 of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) to adjust the thresholds upon which the City Council is briefed about settlement and claims matters in Executive Session; and amending SMC 5.24.020 to require twice-annual litigation briefings in Executive Session.
Sponsors: Debora Juarez
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Amendment 1, 3. Signed Ordinance 126910, 4. Affidavit of Publication
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL _________
AN ORDINANCE amending Sections 5.24.020 and 5.24.030 of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) to adjust the thresholds upon which the City Council is briefed about settlement and claims matters in Executive Session; and amending SMC 5.24.020 to require twice-annual litigation briefings in Executive Session.
WHEREAS, the statute regarding payment of judgments, Section 5.24.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC), was originally established in 1979 and presently requires that prior to authorizing any litigation settlements over $500,000, "the City Attorney shall brief the City Council regarding the proposed settlement during executive session called pursuant to RCW 42.30.110"; and
WHEREAS, the threshold for briefings was set at $500,000 in Ordinance 120521 in 2001 and has not been adjusted since that time; and
WHEREAS, likewise, the threshold for an Executive Session briefing on claims matters as established in SMC 5.24.030 was established in Ordinance 120521 in 2001 at $100,000 and has not been adjusted since 2001; and
WHEREAS, adjusting the thresholds for inflation would produce values 70 percent above their current levels and retain the original purposes for the Council receiving Executive Session briefings of significant settlement and claims matters; and
WHEREAS, adjusting the thresholds for settlement and claims briefings will retain the Council's present role in reviewing significant settlement and claims matters while allowing smaller-amount settlements and claims to receive prompt attention and resolution; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 31847 established Policy 12, which became effective on January 1, 2019, and requires the Director of Finance, the Director of Risk Management, and the City Attorney to provide an annual briefing on individual settlements over $200,000 to Council in Executive Session; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 31847 maintains Council's ability to receive aggregated data on t...

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