Record No: Res 32139    Version: Council Bill No:
Type: Resolution (Res) Status: Full Council Agenda Ready
Current Controlling Legislative Body Sustainability, City Light, Arts and Culture Committee
On agenda: 9/3/2024
Ordinance No:
Title: A RESOLUTION related to the City Light Department, adopting a 2025-2030 Strategic Plan Update for the City Light Department and endorsing the associated six-year rate path.
Sponsors: Tanya Woo
Attachments: 1. Att 1 - Seattle City Light 2025–2030 Strategic Plan Update, 2. Att 2 - 2023 City Light Debt Strategy, 3. Att 3 - City Light Review Panel Comment Letter
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Presentation, 3. Central Staff Memo (8/2/24), 4. Seattle City Light UDP Fact Sheet (8/2/24), 5. Updated Seattle City Light UDP Fact Sheet (8/13/24), 6. Seattle City Light Memo, 7. Amendment 1, 8. Amendment 2 v1, 9. Amendment 2 v2 (added; 8/16/24)
RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION related to the City Light Department, adopting a 2025-2030 Strategic Plan Update for the City Light Department and endorsing the associated six-year rate path.
WHEREAS, in consultation with the Mayor and the City Council, the City Light Department ("City Light") initiated the strategic planning process in 2010 to provide more transparency and accountability for decision-making within City Light; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 31383, adopted July 2012, approved City Light's 2013-2018 Strategic Plan and six-year rate path, and directed the utility to review and update the Strategic Plan every two years, adding two years to the Strategic Plan and re-evaluating the remaining four years of the existing Strategic Plan; and
WHEREAS, since 2012, City Light has generally revised and updated its Strategic Plan biennially, and has provided annual reports on the progress of Strategic Plan initiatives to the appropriate City Council committee; and
WHEREAS, City Light continues the two-year update planning cycle and is delivering an update with the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan Update (Attachment 1 to this resolution); and
WHEREAS, City Light's rates and revenue requirement are governed by financial policies adopted in Resolution 31187; and
WHEREAS, per Ordinance 123256, the City Light Review Panel ("Review Panel") is charged with representing City Light ratepayers and with reviewing and assessing City Light's strategic plans; and
WHEREAS, since 2013 the Review Panel has reviewed City Light's progress in carrying out the Strategic Plan on a quarterly basis and has also reviewed the Utility's proposed changes for the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan Update; and
WHEREAS, in 2023 the Review Panel endorsed a new City Light Debt Strategy (Attachment 2 to this resolution), which establishes targets and guidelines to supplement the financial policies adopted in Resolution 31187; and
WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan is foundational to the...

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