Record No: CB 120529    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120529
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 3/21/2023
Ordinance No: Ord 126787
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to the organization of City government; clarifying the structure for the Charter position of Director of Finance; repealing Section 3.39.033 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and amending Sections 3.39.010, 3.39.030, 3.39.035, and 3.39.070 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Sponsors: Teresa Mosqueda
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Presentation, 3. Signed Ordinance 126787, 4. Affidavit of Publication
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the organization of City government; clarifying the structure for the Charter position of Director of Finance; repealing Section 3.39.033 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and amending Sections 3.39.010, 3.39.030, 3.39.035, and 3.39.070 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, the Department of Finance and the Director of Finance are established by Seattle City Charter Article VIII, Section 1; and
WHEREAS, Sections 3.39.010, 3.39.030, 3.39.033, 3.39.035, and 3.39.070 of the Seattle Municipal Code contain language that make the reporting structure of the Director of Finance unclear, and the Mayor and City Council wish to clarify the structure of the Department of Finance and its employees; and
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Mayor and City Council to undertake a holistic review of the organization of the City's finance, budget, and forecast functions in coming years, as resources allow, to determine those functions' most efficient and effective organization; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. Section 3.39.010 of the Seattle Municipal Code, last amended by Ordinance 126395, is amended as follows:
3.39.010 Department established-Purpose
There is established a Department of Finance and Administrative Services.
A. The Department shall exercise general supervision over the financial affairs of the City, including but not limited to the following:
1. Direct City borrowing activities;
2. Provide policy direction concerning investments;
3. Administer licensing for regulation and/or revenue unless law or ordinance vests such power elsewhere;
4. Provide support to the Office of Economic and Revenue Forecasts;
5. Provide economic and policy analysis on matters related to these same revenue sources;
6. Provide assessments of local econ...

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