Record No: CF 314530    Version: 1 Council Bill No:
Type: Clerk File (CF) Status: In Committee
Current Controlling Legislative Body Transportation Committee
On agenda: 2/20/2024
Ordinance No:
Title: Petition of THE YEW, LLC, for the vacation of a portion the alley lying within Block 2, Wegener's Addition to the City of Seattle, being the block bounded by N 87th Street, 1st Avenue NW, Palatine Avenue N, and N 85th Street, at 8623 Palatine Ave N.
Sponsors: No Sponsor Required
Attachments: 1. Alley Vacation Petition, 2. BindingDocs, 3. Exhibits_Combined, 4. Notarized Petition Form, 5. Vacation Map
Supporting documents: 1. Flow Chart, 2. Central Staff Memo, 3. Presentation


Petition of THE YEW, LLC, for the vacation of a portion the alley lying within Block 2, Wegener’s Addition to the City of Seattle, being the block bounded by N 87th Street, 1st Avenue NW, Palatine Avenue N, and N 85th Street, at 8623 Palatine Ave N.


The Clerk File is provided as an attachment.