ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Municipal Art Fund; amending Section 20.32.030 of the Seattle Municipal Code to remove the timing limitation on the use of funding.
WHEREAS, the Municipal Art Fund (MAF), established as the public art fund for the City, is primarily funded by contributions from the 1% for Art capital program and supports public art installations across the City; and
WHEREAS, Seattle Municipal Code Section 20.32.030 requires the Office of Arts and Culture (ARTS) to return MAF contributions after three years with a possible extension to five years pending agreement from contributing departments; and
WHEREAS, due to the funds expiration urgency, ARTS often develops projects with larger commission amounts to ensure that funds are expended within the three-year window; and
WHEREAS, removal of the expiration timeline would grant ARTS the flexibility to have smaller projects over a longer period to explore programs that allow those traditionally excluded from the process entry into the public art field; and
WHEREAS, ARTS believes this approach will encourage artists of color and emerging artists from other communities to participate more in public art commissions and help these artists build experience and a portfolio for larger award; and
WHEREAS, while departments usually administratively extend funds to meet timelines, it is not required per the Seattle Municipal Code and could put public art at risk after the department has commissioned an artist for design; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. Section 20.32.030 of the Seattle Municipal Code, last amended by Ordinance 124539, is amended as follows:
20.32.030 Funds for works of art
All requests for appropriations for construction projects from eligible funds shall include an amount equal to one percent of the estimated cost of such project for works of art and shall be accompanied by a request from the Office of Arts and Culture for authorization to expend such funds after the same have been deposited in the Municipal Arts Fund. When the City Council approves any such request, including the one percent for works of art, the appropriation for such construction project shall be made and the same shall include an appropriation of funds for works of art, at the rate of one percent of project cost to be deposited into the appropriate account of the Municipal Arts Fund. Money collected in the Municipal Arts Fund shall be expended by the Office of Arts and Culture for projects as prescribed by the Municipal Arts Plan, and any unexpended funds shall be carried over automatically ((for a period of three years, and upon request of the Office of Arts and Culture, carried over for an additional two years. Any funds carried over for three years, or upon special request for five years, and still unexpended at the expiration of such period shall be transferred to the General Fund for general art purposes only; provided, that funds derived from revenue or general obligation bond issues or from utility revenues or other special purpose or dedicated funds shall revert to the funds from which appropriated at the expiration of said three or five year period.)) in the Municipal Art Fund for public arts purposes.
Section 2. The City Council requests that the Office of Arts and Culture provide a report to City Council annually from 2018 through 2022 describing:
A. New projects public arts funding will support;
B. The size and number of new projects as compared to the size and number of projects funded since 2015;
C. How the Office of Arts and Culture has conducted outreach and community engagement, particularly to underrepresented communities and communities of color; and
D. The balance of unprogrammed funds for each year.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Section 1.04.020.
Passed by the City Council the ________ day of _________________________, 2018, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this _____ day of _________________________, 2018.
President ____________ of the City Council
Approved by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2018.
Jenny A. Durkan, Mayor
Filed by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2018.
Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk