ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to transferable development rights (TDR); authorizing The City of Seattle to purchase housing TDR from a lot at 1902 2nd Avenue in Seattle; and authorizing related agreements and acceptance of a deed.
WHEREAS, under the Land Use Code provisions of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC), certain properties, including those preserved for low-income housing, are eligible to transfer unused development rights; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Construction and Inspections, in consultation with the Office of Housing, has determined that the lot on which the Josephinum is located meets the housing transferable development rights (TDR) site requirements as defined in Chapter 23.84A of the SMC; and
WHEREAS, in a letter dated October 22, 2015, the Department of Planning and Development (as predecessor to the Department of Construction and Inspections) certified 54,820 square feet of housing TDR as eligible for transfer from that lot, according to the provisions of SMC 23.49.014; and
WHEREAS, by Ordinance 114029, as amended, the City established a "TDR Bank" and authorized the Director of the Office of Housing to negotiate the purchase of housing TDR from such properties in order to aid in the preservation of low-income housing; and
WHEREAS, Archdiocesan Housing Authority and Catholic Community Services of Western Washington (collectively, "Seller") are the owners of the Josephinum, a 220-unit residential building that includes 192 rental units affordable to households with incomes at or below 50 percent of median income, and propose to sell housing TDR to the City according to the SMC's provisions; and
WHEREAS, funds are available in the TDR/Mitigation Subfund and the Office of Housing has existing expenditure authority for the purchase of housing TDR; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. The Director of the Office of Housing...
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