ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Transportation Benefit District; authorizing material scope changes to Seattle Transportation Benefit District Proposition 1; authorizing the Director of the Seattle Department of Transportation to execute an interlocal agreement with Seattle Public Schools to provide transit passes to Seattle Public Schools students; changing appropriations to the Seattle Department of Transportation to fund the ORCA Opportunity Program; and amending Ordinance 125493, which amended the 2018 Budget (Ordinance 125475); all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council.
WHEREAS, City of Seattle Ordinance 123397 established the Seattle Transportation Benefit District (STBD) for preserving and maintaining transportation infrastructure; improving public safety; implementing elements of the Seattle Transportation Strategic Plan and other planning documents; investing in bicycle, pedestrian, freight mobility, and transit enhancements; and providing people with choices to meet their mobility needs; and
WHEREAS, Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 36.73.160 requires the STBD to adopt a policy to address material changes to a project's cost, scope, and schedule; and
WHEREAS, in STBD Resolution 3, the Governing Board of the STBD approved a material change policy that addresses the procedures for approving changes to project cost, scope, and schedule; and
WHEREAS, in STBD Resolution 12, the Governing Board of the STBD submitted a ballot measure ("STBD Proposition 1") to the qualified electors of the STBD to authorize up to a 0.1 percent sales and use tax, and an annual vehicle license fee of up to an additional $60 per registered vehicle with a $20 rebate for low-income individuals, for the purposes of funding King County Metro Transit service in Seattle; and
WHEREAS, on November 4, 2014, STBD Proposition 1 was approved by a majority of qualified electors of the STBD; and
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