RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION approving and ratifying the decision of the Metropolitan King County Council to adopt a revised set of Countywide Planning Policies.
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan King County Council ("King County Council") adopted the original Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) in July 1992 in conformance with Washington State Growth Management Act requirements; and
WHEREAS, the CPPs are a series of policies that provide a countywide vision and serve as a framework for each jurisdiction in King County to develop its own comprehensive plan under the State Growth Management Act; and
WHEREAS, the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) was established by interlocal agreement in 1992 to provide for the collaborative development of CPPs; and
WHEREAS, The City of Seattle's representation on the GMPC includes the Mayor and two City Councilmembers; and
WHEREAS, the CPPs were comprehensively reviewed and amended in 2012 to be consistent with the Multicounty Planning Policies (MPPs) and Regional Growth Strategy in the Puget Sound Regional Council's VISION 2040 planning policies; and
WHEREAS, between 2012 and 2016 specific policies of the CPPs were amended as separate actions; and
WHEREAS, the Puget Sound Regional Council General Assembly adopted VISION 2050 and revised MPPs in 2020; and
WHEREAS, the revised MPPs call for the CPPs to be updated, where necessary, prior to December 31, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the GMPC directed staff to develop recommendations for a limited-scope update of the CPPs in accordance with a set of guiding principles that included basing the update on the 2012 CPPs; centering social equity and health; integrating regional policy and legislative changes; providing clear, concise, and actionable direction for comprehensive plans; and implementing the Regional Growth Strategy with 2044 growth targets that will form the land use basis for periodic comprehensive plan updates; and
WHEREAS, staff from King C...
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