ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE accepting various deeds for street or alley purposes; laying off, opening, widening, extending, and establishing portions of rights-of-way; placing the real property conveyed by said deeds under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. (This ordinance concerns the following rights of way: Yale Avenue East abutting a portion of Parcel B, City of Seattle Lot Boundary Adjustment Number 9001790, recorded under King County Recording Number 9102130171; 16th Avenue Southwest abutting Block 406, Seattle Tide Lands and vacated Southwest Lander Street; the alley in Block 91, D. T. Denny's 5th Addition to North Seattle; the alley in Block 19, Denny-Fuhrman Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 3, University Heights; Northeast 50th Street abutting Block 3, University Heights; the alley in Block 47, Addition to the City of Seattle as laid off by D. T. Denny, Guardian of the Estate of J. H. Nagle (Commonly known as Nagle's Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley in Block 3, Witt's Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 32, Woodlawn Addition to Green Lake; the alley in Block 6, Boston Heights Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 5, McCallister's Addition to Seattle; the alley in Block 7, University Heights; the alley in Block 4, Lawton Heights; the alley in Block 10, Green Lake Reservoir Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 39, Addition to the Town of Seattle, as laid out by A. A. Denny (Commonly known as A. A. Denny's 6th Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley in Block 40, Addition to the City of Seattle, as laid off by D. T. Denny, Guardian of the Estate of J. H. Nagle (Commonly known as Nagle's Addition to the City of Seattle); the alley in Block 3, Borzone's 2nd Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 23, Gilman's Addition to the City...
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