ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the State Route 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement Program; authorizing the Mayor or the Mayor's designees to execute an agreement with the State of Washington to set forth roles and responsibilities for the State of Washington's project to decommission the Battery Street Tunnel once the bored tunnel is open to drivers.
WHEREAS, by Letter of Agreement ("LOA") dated January 13, 2009, the Governor, the King County Executive, and the Mayor of The City of Seattle ("City") recommended replacement of the existing Alaskan Way Viaduct structure in the central waterfront area with a bored tunnel and associated improvements to City streets and transit ("Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement Program" or "Program"); and
WHEREAS, the LOA allocated responsibility to the State of Washington ("State") for demolishing the existing Alaskan Way Viaduct structure once the bored tunnel is opened to drivers; and
WHEREAS, the LOA also allocated responsibility to the State for decommissioning the Battery Street Tunnel ("Project"); and
WHEREAS, the State Legislature, by enacting RCW 47.01.402 in 2009, endorsed the bored tunnel as the preferred alternative and authorized State funding; and
WHEREAS, the State Route 99 Tunnel Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), signed by the State and the City ("Parties"), identified the Tolled Bored Tunnel Alternative as the preferred alternative, which included decommissioning the Battery Street Tunnel; and
WHEREAS, in October 2009 the Parties entered into agreement GCA 6366, which was authorized by Seattle City Council Ordinance 123133, and which confirmed the State's responsibility for decommissioning the Battery Street Tunnel, and set forth the Parties' roles and responsibilities for the Program; and
WHEREAS, completion of projects identified in GCA 6366 included the Project; and
WHEREAS, in May 2011, the Parties ...
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