RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION relating to the funding of priority projects in the 2019-2024 Bicycle Master Plan Implementation Plan; requesting that the Mayor commit to building out the Bicycle Master Plan and identify funding for priority Bicycle Master Plan projects in the Mayor's 2020 Proposed Budget.
WHEREAS, the safety, health, economic, environmental, space efficiency, and equity benefits of bicycling and investing in safe bike infrastructure that is comfortable for people of all ages and abilities are well established and reflected in city transportation, climate, and land use policies; and
WHEREAS, the effects of climate change have a disproportionate impact on communities of color, negatively affecting family and public health outcomes; and
WHEREAS, studies have found that Black and Latinx cyclists make up a rapidly growing segment of the riding population; and
WHEREAS, longstanding disinvestment in safe streets infrastructure means that Black and Latinx riders are disproportionately likely to be killed by a car compared to white counterparts; and
WHEREAS, this disinvestment is especially notable in South Seattle neighborhoods, including Rainer Valley, Georgetown, South Park, and Beacon Hill; and
WHEREAS, the 2019-2024 Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) Implementation Plan highlights projects in South Seattle for planning, but does not identify funding to advance these projects to design and construction; and
WHEREAS, the 2019-2024 BMP Implementation Plan, identifying projects funded through the Move Seattle Levy, will result in minimal improvements to bike safety and connectivity in South Seattle; and
WHEREAS, projects in the Center City provide access to key destinations for the entire region; and
WHEREAS, the 4th Avenue Protected Bike Lane between Main and Vine is a key piece of "all ages and abilities" bicycling infrastructure needed to complete the Center City Bike Network; and
WHEREAS, the One Center City plan iden...
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