RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION reclaiming the inherent responsibility of the City to protect its most vulnerable populations; acknowledging the disproportionally high rate of violence against women of Indigenous communities; urging City departments to deliver sustainable investments that address the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) crisis, and establish a new, racially appropriate framework of understanding an approach to ending violence against Indigenous women and girls; and calling on the Mayor of Seattle to drive systemic reform that requests and empowers and holds accountable related City departments to work in cooperation with Native Communities to build trust and engagement for stronger government-to-government relations.
WHEREAS, Indigenous people of the lands now known as the Americas have occupied these lands since time immemorial; and
WHEREAS, since time immemorial, the Coast Salish peoples and Chief Sealth (Seattle) governed the Salish Sea (Puget Sound) region; and
WHEREAS, the city of Seattle, chartered 150 years ago, is built on the homelands of the Indigenous and first peoples of this region; and
WHEREAS, principles of government-to-government policy consultation set forth in the United States Constitution were re-affirmed in a historic 1994 Memorandum by United States President Bill Clinton, who called upon all heads of departments to administer activities affecting Native Communities "in a knowledgeable, sensitive manner respectful of tribal sovereignty", and with "[consultation] of Tribal governments prior to taking actions ... all such consultations are to be open and candid so that all interested parties may evaluate for themselves the potential impact of relevant proposals"; and
WHEREAS, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples recognizes that "indigenous peoples have suffered from historic injustices as a result of ... their colonization and dispossessi...
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