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 TypeMeeting LocationMembersCommittee Chair
City Council City CouncilCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981049 
Council Briefing Council BriefingCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981048 
Finance, Native Communities, and Tribal Governments Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981045 
Governance, Accountability, and Economic Development Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981045 
Housing and Human Services Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981045 
Land Use Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981045 
Libraries, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981045 
Notice of Possible Quorum of Seattle City Council or Committee Members Council Committee   
Parks, Public Utilities, and Technology Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981045 
Public Safety Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981045 
Select Budget Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981049 
Select Committee on Federal Administration and Policy Changes Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981049 
Select Committee on Labor Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Ave Seattle, WA 981045 
Select Committee on the Comprehensive Plan Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981049 
Sustainability, City Light, Arts and Culture Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 981045 
Transportation Committee Council CommitteeCouncil Chamber, City Hall 600 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 981044