Record No: CB 118345    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 118345
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 3/16/2015
Ordinance No: Ord 124734
Title: AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of Delridge Way Southwest and other portions of Government Lot 3, in Section 13, Township 24 North, Range 3 East, W.M., on the petition of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services (Clerk File 311504); and placing it under jurisdiction of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services.
Sponsors: Tom Rasmussen
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Summary Att A: Street Vacation Area Map, 3. Street Vacation Presentation, 4. Signed Ord 124734
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of Delridge Way Southwest and other portions of Government Lot 3, in Section 13, Township 24 North, Range 3 East, W.M., on the petition of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services (Clerk File 311504); and placing it under jurisdiction of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services.
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle, Department of Finance and Administrative Services ("FAS") filed a petition under Clerk File 311504 to vacate a portion of Delridge Way Southwest and other portions of Government Lot 3, adjacent to Fire Station 36 between Southwest Spokane Street, 23rd Avenue Southwest, and Delridge Way Southwest in the Delridge neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, following a September 13, 2011 public hearing on the petition, the Seattle City Council ("City Council") conditionally granted the petition on September 19, 2011, and
WHEREAS, FAS has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with Seattle Public Utilities that allows Seattle Public Utilities to operate and maintain sewer and drainage facilities in the vacated area; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Fire Department maintains minor landscaping at local fire stations, and has agreed to maintain the public benefit landscaping at Fire Station 36; and
WHEREAS, FAS has now met all conditions imposed by the City Council in connection with the vacation petition; and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 121661 provides that City departments are exempt from the payment of vacation fees therefore no fee was required; and
WHEREAS, vacating the portion of Delridge Way Southwest and Government Lot 3 for the upgrade and enhancement of Fire Station 36 is in the best interest of the public; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1.  The portion of Delridge Way Southwest and Government Lot 3 described below is vacated:
That parcel of land situated in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, being that portion of Government Lot 3 in Section 13, Township 24 North, Range 3 East, W.M., described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the easterly margin of 23rd Avenue Southwest with the north line of Star Addition to West Seattle, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, page 77, records of said county;
Thence along said easterly margin, North 01°57'09" East 105.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning:
Thence South 54°59'22" East 62.60 feet to a line parallel with and 70.00 feet north of said north line of Star Addition;
Thence along said parallel line, South 88°58'51" East 50.01 feet to the northwesterly margin of Delridge Way Southwest;
Thence along said northwesterly margin, North 28°18'03" East 78.76 feet to a line parallel with and 140.00 feet north of said north line of Star Addition;
Thence along said parallel line, North 88°58'51" West 37.43 feet to a line parallel with and 100.00 feet east of said easterly margin of 23rd Avenue Southwest;
Thence along said parallel line, North 01°57'09" East 49.47 feet;
Thence South 53°38'29" East 55.77 feet to said northwesterly margin of Delridge Way Southwest;
Thence continuing South 53°38'29" East 20.55 feet;
Thence South 35°13'27" West 121.30 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave northerly and having a radius of 111.00 feet, a radial line of said curve from said point bears North 02°15'06" East;
Thence along said curve westerly 117.43 feet through a central angle of 60°36'46" to said easterly margin of 23rd Avenue Southwest;
Thence along said easterly margin, North 01°57'09" East 1.39 feet to the True Point of Beginning.
Section 2.  A copy of the Memorandum of Agreement between FAS and Seattle Public Utilities, recorded July 29, 2014 under King County Recording Number 20140729000262 is attached as Attachment 1.
Section 3. The Seattle Fire Department shall maintain the public benefit landscaping at Fire Station 36 including: the north side of the sound wall south of the West Seattle Bridge ramp, excluding SDOT vegetation; the east side of the sound wall west of Delridge Way Southwest; along the west freeway ramp wall; and landscaping in front of the fire station building.      
Section 4. The portion of Delridge Way Southwest and Government Lot 3 vacated in Section 1 above is placed under the jurisdiction of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services.
Section 5. Any act consistent with the authority of this ordinance taken prior to its effective date is ratified and confirmed.
Section 6.  This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Section 1.04.020.
      Passed by the City Council the ____ day of ________________________, 2015, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this
_____ day of ___________________, 2015.
                                    President __________of the City Council
      Approved by me this ____ day of _____________________, 2015.
                                    Edward B. Murray, Mayor
      Filed by me this ____ day of __________________________, 2015.
                  Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk