Item |
Department |
Fund |
Budget Summary Level/ BCL Code |
Amount |
1.1 |
Executive (City Budget Office) |
General Fund (00100) |
City Budget Office (00100-BO-CB-CZ000) |
$656,653 |
Payroll Expense Tax (14500) |
City Budget Office (14500-BO-CB-CZ000) |
$15,976 |
1.2 |
Civil Service Commissions |
General Fund (00100) |
Civil Service Commissions (00100-BO-VC-V1CIV) |
$64,588 |
1.3 |
Community Assisted Response and Engagement |
General Fund (00100) |
911 Call Response (00100-BO-CS-10000) |
$2,296,865 |
1.4 |
Community Police Commission |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of the Community Police Commission (00100-BO-CP-X1P00) |
$109,661 |
1.5 |
Department of Education and Early Learning |
Families Education Preschool Promise Levy (17871) |
Leadership and Administration (17871-BO-EE-IL700) |
$1,141,185 |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-EE-IL700) |
$338,002 |
Sweetened Beverage Tax Fund (00155) |
Leadership and Administration (00155-BO-EE-IL700) |
$119,015 |
1.6 |
Department of Finance and Administrative Services |
Finance and Administrative Services Fund (50300) |
Citywide Admin Services (50300-BO-FA-0002) |
$295,584 |
Citywide Operational Services (50300-BO-FA-0001) |
$813,451 |
Office of City Finance (50300-BO-FA-0003) |
$328,825 |
Public Services (50300-BO-FA-0005) |
$140,190 |
Leadership & Administration (50300-BO-FA-0006) |
$5,821,950 |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership & Administration (00100-BO-FA-0006) |
$548,698 |
Office of City Finance (00100-BO-FA-0003) |
$160,289 |
Other FAS Services (00100-BO-FA-0004) |
$9,518 |
Public Services (00100-BO-FA-0005) |
$368,014 |
Payroll Expense Tax (14500) |
Leadership & Administration (14500-BO-FA-0006) |
$16,775 |
Public Services (14500-BO-FA-0005) |
$16,132 |
Wheelchair Accessible Fund (12100) |
Leadership & Administration (12100-BO-FA-0006) |
$11,103 |
Other FAS Services (12100-BO-FA-0004) |
$11,411 |
FileLocal Agency Fund (67600) |
Other FAS Services (67600-BO-FA-0004) |
$21,124 |
Leadership & Administration (67600-BO-FA-0006) |
$21,278 |
1.7 |
Department of Neighborhoods |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-DN-I3100) |
$804,524 |
Sweetened Beverage Tax Fund (00155) |
Leadership and Administration (00155-BO-DN-I3100) |
$67,706 |
1.8 |
Employees' Retirement System |
Employees' Retirement Fund (61030) |
Employee Benefit Management (61030-BO-RE-R1E00) |
$559,552 |
1.9 |
Ethics and Elections Commission |
General Fund (00100) |
Ethics and Elections (00100-BO-ET-V1T00) |
$93,685 |
Election Vouchers Fund (12300) |
Ethics and Elections (12300-BO-ET-V1T00) |
$46,781 |
1.10 |
Finance General |
General Fund (00100) |
Appropriation to Special Funds (00100-BO-FG-2QA00) |
$5,744,817 |
Payroll Expense Tax (14500) |
Appropriation to Special Funds (14500-BO-FG-2QA00) |
$301,500 |
1.11 |
Human Services Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-HS-H5000) |
$2,618,117 |
Sweetened Beverage Tax Fund (00155) |
Leadership and Administration (00155-BO-HS-H5000) |
$68,431 |
Opioid Settlement Proceed Fund (14510) |
Leadership and Administration (14510-BO-HS-H5000) |
$31,566 |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Leadership and Administration (16200-BO-HS-H5000) |
$3,229,995 |
1.12 |
Law Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-LW-J1100) |
$2,317,926 |
1.13 |
Legislative Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-LG-G2000) |
$1,374,164 |
1.14 |
Executive (Office for Civil Rights) |
General Fund (00100) |
Civil Rights (00100-BO-CR-X1R00) |
$436,029 |
1.15 |
Executive (Office of Arts and Culture) |
Municipal Arts Fund (12010) |
Leadership and Administration (12010-BO-AR-VA150) |
$119,452 |
Arts and Culture Fund (12400) |
Leadership and Administration (12400-BO-AR-VA150) |
$361,179 |
1.16 |
Executive (Office of Economic and Revenue Forecasts) |
General Fund (00100) |
Economic and Revenue Forecasts (00100-BO-ER-10000) |
$31,158 |
1.17 |
Executive (Office of Economic Development) |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-ED-ADMIN) |
$500,816 |
Payroll Expense Tax (14500) |
Leadership and Administration (14500-BO-ED-ADMIN) |
$173,311 |
1.18 |
Executive (Office of Emergency Management) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Emergency Management (00100-BO-EP-10000) |
$213,051 |
1.19 |
Office of Hearing Examiner |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of the Hearing Examiner (00100-BO-HX-V1X00) |
$76,862 |
1.20 |
Executive (Office of Housing) |
Payroll Expense Tax (14500) |
Leadership and Administration (14500-BO-HU-1000) |
$291,396 |
Office of Housing Fund (16600) |
Leadership and Administration (16600-BO-HU-1000) |
$502,264 |
1.21 |
Executive (Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (00100-BO-IA-X1N00) |
$140,098 |
Payroll Expense Tax (14500) |
Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (14500-BO-IA-X1N00) |
$12,728 |
1.22 |
Office of Inspector General for Public Safety |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Inspector General for Public Safety (00100-BO-IG-1000) |
$287,131 |
1.23 |
Executive (Office of Intergovernmental Relations) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Intergovernmental Relations (00100-BO-IR-X1G00) |
$139,881 |
1.24 |
Executive (Office of Labor Standards) |
Office of Labor Standards Fund (00190) |
Office of Labor Standards (00190-BO-LS-1000) |
$461,134 |
1.25 |
Executive (Office of Planning and Community Development) |
General Fund (00100) |
Planning and Community Development (00100-BO-PC-X2P00) |
$454,907 |
Payroll Expense Tax (14500) |
Planning and Community Development (14500-BO-PC-X2P00) |
$96,347 |
Short-Term Rental Tax Fund (12200) |
Planning and Community Development (12200-BO-PC-X2P00) |
$62,659 |
REET I Capital Fund (30010) |
Planning and Community Development (30010-BO-PC-X2P00) |
$41,221 |
1.26 |
Executive (Office of Sustainability and Environment) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Sustainability and Environment (00100-BO-SE-X1000) |
$325,411 |
Payroll Expense Tax (14500) |
Office of Sustainability and Environment (14500-BO-SE-X1000) |
$149,204 |
Sweetened Beverage Tax Fund (00155) |
Office of Sustainability and Environment (00155-BO-SE-X1000) |
$93,065 |
1.27 |
Office of the City Auditor |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of the City Auditor (00100-BO-AD-VG000) |
$162,140 |
1.28 |
Executive (Office of the Employee Ombud) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Employee Ombud (00100-BO-EM-V10MB) |
$81,923 |
1.29 |
Executive (Office of the Mayor) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of the Mayor (00100-BO-MA-X1A00) |
$590,338 |
1.30 |
Police Relief and Pension |
Police Relief & Pension Fund (61060) |
Police Relief and Pension (61060-BO-PP-RP604) |
$79,549 |
1.31 |
Seattle Center |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-SC-69000) |
$1,279,687 |
Seattle Center Fund (11410) |
Leadership and Administration (11410-BO-SC-69000) |
$1,882,911 |
Seattle Center McCaw Hall Fund (11430) |
McCaw Hall (11430-BO-SC-65000) |
$661,395 |
1.32 |
Seattle City Light |
Light Fund (41000) |
Leadership and Administration (41000-BO-CL-ADMIN) |
$17,075,344 |
1.33 |
Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections |
General Fund (00100) |
Land Use Services (00100-BO-CI-U2200) |
$32,777 |
Inspections (00100-BO-CI-U23A0) |
$21,434 |
Compliance (00100-BO-CI-U2400) |
$755,027 |
Government Policy, Safety & Support (00100-BO-CI-U2600) |
$131,748 |
Construction and Inspections (48100) |
Land Use Services (48100-BO-CI-U2200) |
$1,749,361 |
Permit Services (48100-BO-CI-U2300) |
$1,914,650 |
Inspections (48100-BO-CI-U23A0) |
$2,017,084 |
Compliance (48100-BO-CI-U2400) |
$358,382 |
Government Policy, Safety & Support (48100-BO-CI-U2600) |
$85,402 |
Process Improvements & Technology (48100-BO-CI-U2800) |
$199,366 |
1.34 |
Seattle Department of Human Resources |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-HR-N5000) |
$1,683,829 |
1.35 |
Seattle Department of Transportation |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-TR-18001) |
$3,097,700 |
Transportation Fund (13000) |
Leadership and Administration (13000-BO-TR-18001) |
$12,307,950 |
1.36 |
Seattle Fire Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-FD-F1000) |
$38,327,469 |
1.37 |
Seattle Information Technology Department |
Payroll Expense Tax (14500) |
Leadership and Administration (14500-BO-IT-D0100) |
$10,508 |
Information Technology Fund (50410) |
Leadership and Administration (50410-BO-IT-D0100) |
$2,505,156 |
1.38 |
Seattle Municipal Court |
General Fund (00100) |
Administration (00100-BO-MC-3000) |
$2,821,916 |
1.39 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-PR-20000) |
$9,381,730 |
Sweetened Beverage Tax Fund (00155) |
Leadership and Administration (00155-BO-PR-20000) |
$29,170 |
Seattle Park District Fund (19710) |
Leadership and Administration (19710-BO-PR-20000) |
$5,450,000 |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Leadership and Administration (10200-BO-PR-20000) |
$3,204,941 |
King County Parks Levy Fund (36000) |
Leadership and Administration (36000-BO-PR-20000) |
$29,034 |
1.40 |
Seattle Police Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-SP-P1600) |
$81,875,817 |
School Safety Traffic and Pedestrian Improvement Fund (18500) |
School Zone Camera Program (18500-BO-SP-P9000) |
$195,236 |
1.41 |
Seattle Public Library |
Library Fund (10410) |
Leadership and Administration (10410-BO-SPL) |
$5,204,133 |
2019 Library Levy Fund (18200) |
Leadership and Administration (18200-BO-SPL) |
$1,244,634 |
1.42 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-SU-N100B) |
$1,198,176 |
Water Fund (43000) |
Leadership and Administration (43000-BO-SU-N100B) |
$9,259,026 |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
Leadership and Administration (44010-BO-SU-N100B) |
$9,011,585 |
Solid Waste Fund (45010) |
Leadership and Administration (45010-BO-SU-N100B) |
$3,578,632 |
Total |
$255,049,515 |