Record No: CB 120813    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120813
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 8/13/2024
Ordinance No: Ord 127069
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of various departments to accept and authorize the expenditure of specified grants, private funding, and subsidized loans and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; amending Ordinance 126955, which adopted the 2024 Budget, including the 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2024-2029 CIP; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Sponsors: Dan Strauss
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Summary Att A - CBO 2024 Mid-Year Grants Ordinance Detail Table, 3. Central Staff Memo (7/17/24), 4. Central Staff Presentation (8/7/24) v2


ORDINANCE __________________

COUNCIL BILL __________________


AN ORDINANCE relating to acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of various departments to accept and authorize the expenditure of specified grants, private funding, and subsidized loans and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; amending Ordinance 126955, which adopted the 2024 Budget, including the 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2024-2029 CIP; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.



Section 1. For each item in the following table, the head of the listed department is authorized to accept non-City funding from the listed sources below; and to execute, deliver, and perform, on behalf of The City of Seattle, agreements for the purposes described. The funding, when received, shall be deposited in the receiving fund identified to support, or as reimbursement for, either the appropriations set forth in Section 2 of this ordinance or existing appropriations in the receiving department.








Department of Finance and Administrative Services

Washington Department of Commerce

This grant is through the Washington State Electric Vehicle Charging Program and funds additional electric vehicle charging infrastructure at maintained facilities.

Finance and Administrative Services Fund (50300)



Department of Neighborhoods


This grant assists with the needs of preservation organizations to promotes stewardship, advocacy, and educational opportunities around historic preservation.

General Fund (00100)



Executive (Office of Emergency Management)

Washington Military Department

This grant funds plans for sea level rise (SLR) protection infrastructure in the Lower Duwamish South Park industrial area. 

General Fund (00100)



Executive (Office of Emergency Management)

Washington Military Department

This grant funds a phased project under Disaster Declaration DR-4481-WA and provides funding to develop a wildfire defensible space mitigation plan for the Cedar River Watershed. 

General Fund (00100)



Executive (Office of Emergency Management)

Public Health Seattle-King County Emergency Medical Services

This funding provides emergency preparedness and 9-1-1 education to vulnerable Seattle residents via Community Safety Ambassadors.

General Fund (00100)



Executive (Office of Housing)

Puget Sound Energy

The purpose is to support decarbonization work for low-income households.

Low Income Housing Fund (16400)






Office of Housing Fund (16600)



Executive (Office of Housing)

Washington Department of Commerce

This grant funds weatherization capital projects to support low-income households by reducing energy costs and increasing the efficiency of their homes.

Low Income Housing Fund (16400)






Office of Housing Fund (16600)



Executive (Office of Housing)

Washington Department of Commerce

This grant facilitates the development of affordable housing construction by covering the upfront costs of infrastructure and connecting housing to municipal systems, making affordable housing projects more viable and helping bring more affordable housing units online.

Low Income Housing Fund (16400)



Executive (Office of Housing)

Washington Department of Commerce

This grant provides funding for program administration and delivery of weatherization services to eligible low-income households in both single and multi-family dwelling units.

Low Income Housing Fund (16400)






Office of Housing Fund (16600)



Executive (Office of Housing)

Washington Department of Ecology

The purpose of this grant is to expedite the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites for affordable housing use, including planning, investigative, and technical work.

Office of Housing Fund (16600)



Executive (Office of Sustainability and Environment)

Washington Department of Commerce

This funding establishes or expands incentive programs for the installation of high efficiency electric equipment and electrical upgrades.

General Fund (00100)



Seattle Center

Washington Department of Commerce

This grant provides support to install Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at locations within Seattle Center.

Seattle Center Fund (11410)



Seattle City Light

United States Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency

This grant funds activities to reduce hazardous fire fuels and create defensible space adjacent to critical power and potable water facilities in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle City Light

United States Department of Energy

This grant will support deep efficiency and smart grid integrated retrofits in disadvantaged communities.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle City Light

United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Services

This grant funds a boom at Gorge Dam to protect the structure from large debris loads expected to enter the reservoir from areas burned by the 2023 Sourdough Fire.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle City Light

United States Department of Interior, National Park Service

This is the first of three grants in support of the harmful exterior coating on the Georgetown Steam Plant to prepare the building for further repair and restoration.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle City Light

Washington Department of Commerce

This grant will install two public electric vehicle (EV) direct current fast chargers (DCFC) at the Boundary Hydroelectric Project frequented by visitors.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle City Light

Washington Department of Ecology

This grant offsets costs related to the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site and supports detailed design, engineering, construction, monitoring, and implementation of institutional controls.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle City Light

Washington Department of Commerce

This grant dedicates funds to assist low- and moderate-income households reduce energy costs, switch from fossil fuel vehicles, and keep our air clean via bill credits of $200 per household to eligible residential customers by September 15, 2024.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle City Light

Washington Military Department

This grant provides funding to retrofit six high voltage transmission towers, and the powerlines they support, to minimize damage and possible cascading collapse of the powerline due to landslides near WA State Route 530 mileposts 34, 36, and 38.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle City Light

Washington Historical Society

This is the second grant in support of the removal of harmful exterior coating on the Georgetown Steam Plant to prepare the building for further repair and restoration.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle City Light

Washington Historical Society

This is the third grant in support of the harmful exterior coating on the Georgetown Steam Plant to prepare the building for further repair and restoration.

Light Fund (41000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (Sound Transit)

The funding will be used to decommission utility settlement points and restore them & the original roadway condition on 12th Ave NE between NE 65th St and NE 67th St and  provide sidewalk repairs in the Roosevelt Station area on NE 67th St, NE 66th St, and NE 65th St.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation


This Memorandum of Agreement funds the utility connection construction and street improvements on East Union Street.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

This grant funds mill and overlay the asphalt pavement on E Marginal Way S, between 1st Ave S and 16th Ave S.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

This grant funds mill and overlay the asphalt pavement on Roosevelt Way between NE 92nd St and 15th Ave NE.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

These funds advance the conceptual designs for the Aurora Avenue N Safety and Transit Access Improvements project.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

King County Metro

This agreement  supports the construction of protected bicycle lanes and necessary bus stop relocation on Beacon Hill between S Charles St and S Spokane St.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

King County Metro

This agreement is to develop the scope of work, complete design, and finance the design phase of the Harrison Street Transit Corridor project, delivering a new, reliable transit pathway on Harrison St enhancing the transit network in South Lake Union.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

King County Metro

This agreement supports planning and outreach for the Aurora Ave Project.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Pony Bar

This agreement funds SDOT to construct utility connections and street improvements at 1221 East Madison Street.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Port of Seattle

This agreement supplements funding to make significant upgrades to the signal infrastructure as part of our East Marginal Way Corridor North Segment project.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Port of Seattle

This item funds activities for improved access for trucks, charter busses, and other cruise related vehicles to the Pier 66 Cruise Terminal on Alaskan Way during the ongoing construction of the waterfront in 2024.

Central Waterfront Improvement Fund (35900)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Washington Department of Transportation

This grant funds transit improvements as part of the Route 48 Transit Plus Multimodal Corridor Project.

Transportation Fund (13000)



Seattle Fire Department

King County Sheriff's Office   

This grant supports efforts to build and sustain capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to and recover from acts of terrorism.

General Fund (00100)



Seattle Fire Department

Washington Department of Transportation

This item reimburses Fire for planning, inspection, and construction assistance for the Portage Bay Bridge portion of the SR 520/Montlake to Lake Washington-Interchange and Bridge Replacement Project.

General Fund (00100)



Seattle Fire Department

Washington Homeland Security

This grant award is for Structural Collapse Training and Equipment.

General Fund (00100)



Seattle Information Technology Department

Workforce Development Council of Seattle King-County

This funding agreement supports digital equity research and community-driven solutions to achieving digital equity in Seattle.

Information Technology Fund (50410)



Seattle Municipal Court

Washington Administrative Office of the Court

This grant assists with costs related to Therapeutic Court such as staffing and operational costs. 

General Fund (00100)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks

This grant supports the Urban Forestry Green Seattle Partnership project - Lake Washington Boulevard Shoreline Restoration.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks

This equity grant  will be used to support the Garfield Super Block project to provide additional access to parks, open spaces, or recreational opportunities for people with disabilities.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Seattle Foundation

This donation will be used for restoration of old growth forest in Seward Park as part of the Green Seattle Partnership.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Seattle School District No. 1

This funding agreement will reimburse the department for certain construction costs of the Garfield Playfield portion of the Garfield Super Block improvement project.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Seattle Parks Foundation and Friends of Arboretum Creek

This funding agreement reimburses the department for certain activities related to design and permitting the Arboretum Creek Headwaters Project.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Washington Transportation Improvement Board

This grant will be used towards renovations on Lake Washington Boulevard.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Washington Department of Commerce

This grant supports coastal habitat and landform assessments for Seattle's 15 coastal parks.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Washington Recreation and Conservation Office

This grant will be used to add transient moorage to South Leschi Marina.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Washington Recreation and Conservation Office

This grant will be used to replace Carkeek Park's existing pedestrian bridge.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Washington Recreation and Conservation Office

This grant will be used to renovate Colman Pool, located in Lincoln Park.

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)



Seattle Public Utilities

Washington Military Department

This grant will be used to implement a sustained pre-disaster natural hazard mitigation program to reduce overall risk and reliance on funding from actual disaster declarations.

General Fund (00100)



Executive (Community Assisted Response and Engagement)

Federal Bureau of Justice Assistance

This grant supports expansion of the CARE response team and will allow the team to respond Citywide and during the weekends.

General Fund (00100)




Section 2. Contingent upon the execution of grant or other funding agreements and receipt of the funds authorized in Section 1 of this ordinance, the appropriations in the 2024 Budget for the following items are increased from the funds shown, as follows:




Budget Summary Level/BCL Code

CIP Project/ID



Department of Finance and Administrative Services

Finance and Administrative Services Fund (50300)

General Government Facilities - General (50300-BC-FA-GOVTFAC)

Drive Clean Seattle Fleet Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (MC-FA-DRVCLNFLT)



Department of Neighborhoods

General Fund (00100)

Community Building (00100-BO-DN-I3300)




Executive (Office of Emergency Management)

General Fund (00100)

Office of Emergency Management (00100-BO-EP-10000)




Executive (Office of Emergency Management)

General Fund (00100)

Office of Emergency Management (00100-BO-EP-10000)




Executive (Office of Emergency Management)

General Fund (00100)

Office of Emergency Management (00100-BO-EP-10000)




Executive (Office of Housing)

Low Income Housing Fund (16400)

Homeownership & Sustainability (16400-BO-HU-2000)




Executive (Office of Housing)

Office of Housing Fund (16600)

Homeownership & Sustainability (16600-BO-HU-2000)




Executive (Office of Housing)

Low Income Housing Fund (16400)

Homeownership & Sustainability (16400-BO-HU-2000)




Executive (Office of Housing)

Office of Housing Fund (16600)

Homeownership & Sustainability (16600-BO-HU-2000)




Executive (Office of Housing)

Low Income Housing Fund (16400)

Homeownership & Sustainability (16400-BO-HU-2000)




Executive (Office of Housing)

Low Income Housing Fund (16400)

Multifamily Housing (16400-BO-HU-3000)




Executive (Office of Housing)

Low Income Housing Fund (16400)

Homeownership & Sustainability (16400-BO-HU-2000)




Executive (Office of Housing)

Office of Housing Fund (16600)

Homeownership & Sustainability (16600-BO-HU-2000)




Executive (Office of Housing)

Office of Housing Fund (16600)

Leadership and Administration (16600-BO-HU-1000)




Executive (Office of Sustainability and Environment)

General Fund (00100)

Office of Sustainability and Environment (00100-BO-SE-X1000)




Seattle Center

Seattle Center Fund (11410)

Building and Campus Improvements (11410-BC-SC-S03P01)

Parking Repairs and Improvements (MC-SC-S0301)



Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Utility Operations O&M (41000-BO-CL-UTILOPS)




Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Utility Operations O&M (41000-BO-CL-UTILOPS)




Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Power Supply - CIP (41000-BC-CL-X)

Skagit Facility - Minor Improvements Program (MC-CL-XS6405)



Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Power Supply - CIP (41000-BC-CL-X)

Facilities Regulatory Compliance (MC-CL-XF9151)



Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Power Supply - CIP (41000-BC-CL-X)

Transportation Electrification (MC-CL-XF9239)



Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Conservation & Environmental - CIP (41000-BC-CL-W)

Environmental Claims (MC-CL-WC3133)



Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Customer Care (41000-BO-CL-CUSTCARE)




Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Transmission and Distribution - CIP (41000-BC-CL-Y)

Transmission Reliability (MC-CL-YT7104)



Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Power Supply - CIP (41000-BC-CL-X)

Facilities Regulatory Compliance (MC-CL-XF9151)



Seattle City Light

Light Fund (41000)

Power Supply - CIP (41000-BC-CL-X)

Facilities Regulatory Compliance (MC-CL-XF9151)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003)

Sound Transit North Link (MC-TR-C027)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003)

Madison BRT - RapidRide G Line (MC-TR-C051)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Major Maintenance/Replacement (13000-BC-TR-19001)

Arterial Asphalt & Concrete Program Phase II (MC-TR-C033)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Major Maintenance/Replacement (13000-BC-TR-19001)

Arterial Asphalt & Concrete Program Phase II (MC-TR-C033)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003)

Aurora Avenue North Safety Improvements (MC-TR-C118)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003)

Bike Master Plan - Protected Bike Lanes (MC-TR-C062)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003)

Harrison St Transit Corridor (MC-TR-C119)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003)

Aurora Avenue North Safety Improvements (MC-TR-C118)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003)

Madison BRT - RapidRide G Line (MC-TR-C051)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003)

Heavy Haul Network Program - East Marginal Way (MC-TR-C090)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Central Waterfront Improvement Fund (35900)

Central Waterfront (35900-BC-TR-16000)

Alaskan Way Main Corridor (MC-TR-C072)



Seattle Department of Transportation

Transportation Fund (13000)

Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003)

Route 48 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor (MC-TR-C107)



Seattle Fire Department

General Fund (00100)

Operations (00100-BO-FD-F3000)




Seattle Fire Department

General Fund (00100)

Operations (00100-BO-FD-F3000)




Seattle Fire Department

General Fund (00100)

Operations (00100-BO-FD-F3000)




Seattle Information Technology Department

Information Technology Fund (50410)

Frontline Services and Workplace (50410-BO-IT-D0400)




Seattle Municipal Court

General Fund (00100)

Administration (00100-BO-MC-3000)




Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Urban Forestry - Green Seattle Partnership (MC-PR-41012)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Seward Park Forest Restoration (MC-PR-41013)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Boat Moorage Restoration (MC-PR-41021)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Carkeek Park Bridge Replacement Project (MC-PR-41075)



Seattle Parks and Recreation

Park And Recreation Fund (10200)

Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000)

Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001)



Seattle Public Utilities

General Fund (00100)

Utility Service and Operations (00100-BO-SU-N200B)




Executive (Community Assisted Response and Engagement)

General Fund (00100)

Community Assisted Response and Engagement (00100-BO-CS-40000)





Unspent funds so appropriated shall carry forward to subsequent fiscal years until they are exhausted or abandoned by ordinance, except for items 2.23 and 2.42. Additionally, on December 31 annually, for each appropriation in this section, if the remaining funds are $1.00 or less, that appropriation is abandoned.

Section 3. Any act consistent with the authority of this ordinance taken after its passage and prior to its effective date is ratified and confirmed.


Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Sections 1.04.020 and 1.04.070.

Passed by the City Council the ________ day of _________________________, 2024, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this _____ day of _________________________, 2024.


President ____________ of the City Council

                     Approved /                     returned unsigned /                     vetoed this _____ day of _________________, 2024.


Bruce A. Harrell, Mayor

Filed by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2024.


Scheereen Dedman, City Clerk
