Record No: Res 31582    Version: 1 Council Bill No:
Type: Resolution (Res) Status: Adopted
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 5/18/2015
Ordinance No:
Title: A RESOLUTION regarding certification of The City of Seattle as a Bee City.
Sponsors: Nick Licata, Mike O'Brien, Jean Godden
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Signed Resolution 31582
RESOLUTION _________________
A RESOLUTION regarding certification of The City of Seattle as a Bee City.
WHEREAS, the goal of Bee City USA is to promote healthy, sustainable habitats and communities for bees and other pollinators; and
WHEREAS, thanks to our diversity of wild native bees, along with honey bees brought here from Europe in the 1700s, the United States enjoys diverse dietary choices rich in fruits, nuts, and vegetables; and
WHEREAS, bees and other pollinators around the globe have experienced dramatic declines due to a combination of habitat loss, use of pesticides, and the spread of pests and diseases, with grave implications for the future health of flora and fauna; and
WHEREAS, The City of Seattle (City) and cities across the globe are growing more dense, highlighting the critical role of urban agriculture in a healthy food system while increasing opportunities for cities and their residents to support bees and other pollinators on both public and private land; and
WHEREAS, habitat conservation and restoration, innovative land use, research, and other strategies can help maintain a diverse and abundant community of pollinators; and
WHEREAS, supporting pollinators fosters community among city residents, and increases interactions among urban farmers, gardeners, educators, beekeepers, naturalists, and organizations; and
WHEREAS, the economic benefits of pro-pollinator programs include increased floral diversity, increased crop yields, reduced need for pesticides and costs associated with them, and increased demand for native plant materials from local growers and nurseries; and
WHEREAS,  responding to scientific concern over the impact of neonicotinoids on pollinators, the City Council recently passed a resolution banning the use of neonicotinoid pesticides by the City, supporting a national moratorium on neonicotinoids, and urging retailers operating within the city to ensure no plants, seeds, or products containing neonicotinoids are offered for sale; and
WHEREAS, the City benefits from participating in the Bee City USA program by responding constructively to burgeoning public interest, maximizing existing efforts to support pollinators, and providing a national example of successful urban agriculture initiatives; NOW THEREFORE,
Section 1. The City of Seattle (City) accepts certification as a Bee City USA affiliate.
      Section 2. The Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks) and Seattle City Light (City Light) will serve as liaisons and oversee the City's Bee City USA program encouraging and coordinating local pollinator habitat and awareness activities. Parks and City Light will serve as the intermediaries between the city's citizens and the City in order to enhance pollinator awareness, health and habitat; and implement the following:
            A. The City will annually celebrate National Pollinator Week, in the third full week in June or some other appropriate occasion; with educational events, pollinator habitat plantings or restoration, and proclamations or promotions showcasing the City's commitment to enhancing pollinator health and habitats rich in native plant species;
            B. The City will apply annually to renew its Bee City USA certification and submit a report to Bee City USA of its previous year's pollinator activities;
      C. The City will publicly acknowledge the community's commitment by agreeing to install and maintain at least one authorized Bee City USA street sign in a prominent location; and
D. The City will create and maintain links on appropriate City web pages that will include at a minimum: links to a PDF of this Resolution; a link to the national Bee City USA website; contact information for the City's Bee City USA liaison; information on a designated Bee City USA "committee or non-profit organization;" and reports of the pollinator-friendly activities the City has accomplished in previous years.
Adopted by the City Council the ____ day of ____________________, 2015, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its adoption this________ day
of ______________________, 2015.                                          
                                    President ___________of the City Council
The Mayor concurred the _____ day of _______________________, 2015.
                                                            Edward B. Murray, Mayor
      Filed by me this ____ day of ________________________, 2015.
                  Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk