Record No: CB 120858    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120858
Type: Council Bill (CB) Status: Full Council Agenda Ready
Current Controlling Legislative Body Housing and Human Services Committee
On agenda: 9/24/2024
Ordinance No:
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to homelessness; authorizing the Mayor or the Mayor's designee to execute an amendment of the interlocal agreement between The City of Seattle and King County establishing the King County Regional Homelessness Authority.
Sponsors: Cathy Moore
Attachments: 1. Att A - Amended and Restated ILA
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Central Staff Memo, 3. Presentation - Deputy Mayor, 4. Presentation - Central Staff
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to homelessness; authorizing the Mayor or the Mayor's designee to execute an amendment of the interlocal agreement between The City of Seattle and King County establishing the King County Regional Homelessness Authority.
WHEREAS, cities and counties are authorized to enter into interlocal cooperation agreements in accordance with chapter 39.34 RCW ("Interlocal Cooperation Act") to jointly provide services; and
WHEREAS, The City of Seattle and King County determined that a cooperative undertaking to coordinate certain homelessness services will enable and facilitate joint planning, program funding, and establishing standards for and accountability of programs, thereby improving the delivery of services and enhancing outcomes for those receiving such services; and
WHEREAS, in December 2019, the City and King County signed an Interlocal Agreement ("ILA") establishing the King County Regional Homelessness Authority ("KCRHA"), representing a shift in the way the region approaches strategic planning, program delivery, and funding for homeless services in the Seattle-King County region; and
WHEREAS, the ILA created a Governance Committee consisting of 12 members and an Implementation Board consisting of 13 members; and
WHEREAS, KCRHA, on behalf of King County, also serves as the region's Continuum of Care (CoC) Lead Entity, which includes a CoC Board responsible for the region's annual application for federal funding; and
WHEREAS, in July 2023, the KCRHA Governing Committee passed a resolution calling for the creation of a Governance Review Subcommittee to develop a set of recommendations to improve KCRHA's oversight, accountability, and decision-making structure; and
WHEREAS, reducing the number of KCRHA's governance boards will improve clarity and transparency in agency decision making and strengthen oversight and accountability; and
WHEREAS, while homele...

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