RESOLUTION _________________
A RESOLUTION supporting Executive Order 2015-02: Workforce Equity Initiative, which addresses gender and race/ethnic wage equity for City employees; and requesting the development of metrics and reporting processes to track the achievement of objectives listed in the Executive Order.
WHEREAS, in May 2014, Resolution 31523 affirmed The City of Seattle's (City) commitment to gender equity and the implementation of comprehensive measures to achieve equity at the City and throughout our community; and
WHEREAS, a report by the 2013 National Partnership for Women and Families found that the Seattle metropolitan area had the largest pay gap in the nation with women earning 73 cents for every dollar men earned; and
WHEREAS, in 2013 the Gender Equity in Pay Taskforce (Taskforce) was convened to examine pay disparities and examine the causes of gender wage disparity at the City; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Department of Human Resources (SDHR), formerly the Personnel Department, did an initial review of city wages and found that women working for the City earn 90.5 cents for every dollar a man earns with that number dropping when race is analyzed along with gender; and
WHEREAS, the Taskforce recommended and the City agreed that a deeper analysis of citywide race and gender wage data was needed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council provided funding in 2014 for positions in SDHR and the Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR) to analyze data on both a citywide basis and at the department level to identify potential sources of gender inequality pertaining to a range of employment issues; and
WHEREAS, the SDHR and SOCR hired staff to address gender equity issues; and
WHEREAS, the SDHR hired DCI Consulting Group (DCI), an independent consulting firm, to conduct a deeper analysis and complete a workforce pay equity and utilization analysis of City employees; and
WHEREAS, the analysis by DCI was to determine whether in...
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