Record No: CB 120937    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120937
Type: Council Bill (CB) Status: Full Council Agenda Ready
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Council
On agenda: 2/11/2025
Ordinance No:
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to taxes; creating a new sales and use tax deferral for the conversion of underutilized commercial property to housing; and adding a new Chapter 5.75 to the Seattle Municipal Code.
Sponsors: Mark Solomon, Sara Nelson
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Director's Report, 3. Public Hearing Notice, 4. Central Staff Memo
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to taxes; creating a new sales and use tax deferral for the conversion of underutilized commercial property to housing; and adding a new Chapter 5.75 to the Seattle Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, during the 2024 Washington State legislative session, the legislature passed and Governor Inslee signed Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill 6175 (E2SSB 6175), codified in chapter 82.59 RCW, which authorizes The City of Seattle to take legislative action to establish a sales and use tax deferral program to promote the redevelopment of underutilized commercial property in urban areas; and
WHEREAS, E2SSB 6175 promotes the redevelopment of underutilized commercial property into housing and affordable housing by allowing deferral of sales and use tax for would-be developers of such housing; and
WHEREAS, there are significant areas of underutilized commercial properties in Seattle's urban centers, especially in downtown; and
WHEREAS, there is a lack of affordable housing in Seattle, including within or proximate to areas with underutilized commercial properties, as documented in the housing cost burden section of the housing appendix to the One Seattle Plan Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, The City of Seattle desires to create a program pursuant to E2SSB 6175 to encourage the redevelopment of underutilized commercial property into additional housing and affordable housing to help meet strong demand for housing in the region and for economic development and downtown activation purposes; and
WHEREAS, in June 2023, Mayor Bruce Harrell released a Downtown Activation Plan that identified numerous strategies and actions to support downtown recovery, including actions that increase residential uses in downtown; and
WHEREAS, additional housing in downtown Seattle and other locations where underutilized commercial space may be converted to housing would further City objectives f...

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