AN ORDINANCE relating to street and sidewalk use; addressing low impact development requirements in the City of Seattle's Phase I Municipal Stormwater National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System general permit issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology; correcting typographical errors and section references, clarifying regulations, and making minor amendments; and amending Sections 15.02.042, 15.02.044, 15.02.046, 15.04.010, 15.04.035, 15.06.050, 15.20.070, 15.22.060, 15.22.080, 15.22.100, 15.22.110, 15.32.160, 15.36.010, 15.44.030, 15.46.020, 15.70.030, 15.72.010, and 15.91.016 of the Seattle Municipal Code.