Record No: Res 32148    Version: 1 Council Bill No:
Type: Resolution (Res) Status: Full Council Agenda Ready
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Council
On agenda: 9/19/2024
Ordinance No:
Title: A RESOLUTION regarding Initiative 137 concerning excess compensation payroll taxes to fund the Social Housing Developer (which the City Council determined not to enact on September 19, 2024); authorizing the City Clerk and the Executive Director of the Ethics and Elections Commission to take those actions necessary to enable proposed Initiative 137 to appear on the February 11, 2025 ballot and the local voters' pamphlet in conjunction with the Payroll Expense Tax proposal (City Council Bill 120864), which is a proposed alternative measure dealing with the same subject matter in accordance with Charter Article IV; requesting the King County Elections Director to place the proposed Initiative 137 and its alternate on the February 11, 2025 election ballot in accordance with applicable law; and providing for the publication of such proposed Initiative Measure and its alternate.
Sponsors: Maritza Rivera, Cathy Moore, Robert Kettle, Tanya Woo
Attachments: 1. Att A - City of Seattle Initiative Measure No.pdf
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note
RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION regarding Initiative 137 concerning excess compensation payroll taxes to fund the Social Housing Developer (which the City Council determined not to enact on September 19, 2024); authorizing the City Clerk and the Executive Director of the Ethics and Elections Commission to take those actions necessary to enable proposed Initiative 137 to appear on the February 11, 2025 ballot and the local voters' pamphlet in conjunction with the Payroll Expense Tax proposal (City Council Bill 120864), which is a proposed alternative measure dealing with the same subject matter in accordance with Charter Article IV; requesting the King County Elections Director to place the proposed Initiative 137 and its alternate on the February 11, 2025 election ballot in accordance with applicable law; and providing for the publication of such proposed Initiative Measure and its alternate.
WHEREAS, proponents submitted to the City Clerk a ballot measure petition concerning excess compensation payroll taxes to fund the Social Housing Developer (which the City Clerk designated as Seattle Initiative No. 137 in Clerk File No. 322950); and
WHEREAS, the City Clerk forwarded the petition to the Director of King County Elections for certification of whether the petition bears a sufficient number of valid signatures to qualify for introduction to the City Council as provided in Seattle City Charter Article IV, Section 1; and
WHEREAS, the Director of King County Elections has certified that the Initiative No. 137 petition bears sufficient valid signatures to qualify for introduction to the City Council as provided in Seattle City Charter Article IV, Section 1; and
WHEREAS, Seattle City Charter Article IV, Section 1 provides that, if the City Council does not enact an initiative bill or measure bearing a sufficient number of signatures, it shall be the duty of the City Council to submit the initiative measure to the voters of the Ci...

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