Record No: CB 120843    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120843
Type: Council Bill (CB) Status: Full Council Agenda Ready
Current Controlling Legislative Body Parks, Public Utilities, and Technology Committee
On agenda: 9/17/2024
Ordinance No:
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds; authorizing the Mayor or designee to enter into Amendments 2, 3, and 4 to the Conservation Futures Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between King County and The City of Seattle for Open Space Acquisition Projects; and authorizing the deposit of 2024 allocations from King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds into The City of Seattle's Park and Recreation Fund, Water Fund, and Drainage and Wastewater Fund.
Sponsors: Joy Hollingsworth
Attachments: 1. Ex A – Amendment 2 to Interlocal Agreement, 2. Ex B – Amendment 3 to Interlocal Agreement, 3. Ex C - Amendment 4 to Interlocal Agreement
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Summary Att 1 – Maps of CFT Projects, 3. Summary Att 2 - Gap Analysis, 4. Seattle Parks & Recreation Memo (9/11/24), 5. Presentation
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds; authorizing the Mayor or designee to enter into Amendments 2, 3, and 4 to the Conservation Futures Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between King County and The City of Seattle for Open Space Acquisition Projects; and authorizing the deposit of 2024 allocations from King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds into The City of Seattle's Park and Recreation Fund, Water Fund, and Drainage and Wastewater Fund.
WHEREAS, King County Conservation Futures Levy (CFL) funds are collected throughout King County as a dedicated portion of property taxes for the acquisition of open space and natural resource lands; and
WHEREAS, in 1990, City Ordinance 114978 authorized the CFL Interlocal Cooperation Agreement ("CFL Interlocal") with King County to govern the receipt and use of CFL proceeds, and to define the special projects ("Projects") approved by King County for acquisition using CFL proceeds; and
WHEREAS, each year the City and King County amended the CFL Interlocal to add Projects and to provide for additional allocations of CFL proceeds; and
WHEREAS, on November 13, 2018, the King County Council passed Ordinance 18827, which authorized the King County Executive to execute a new CFL Interlocal and authorized language changes thereto; and
WHEREAS, on November 22, 2021, the City Council passed Ordinance 126477, which authorized the new Conservation Futures Interlocal Agreement ("Interlocal"), to which was attached the Amendment to the Conservation Futures Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between King County and The City of Seattle for Open Space Acquisition Projects ("Amendment"); and
WHEREAS, on September 26, 2023, the City Council passed Ordinance 126904, which authorized Amendment 1 to the Interlocal; and
WHEREAS, on December 5, 2023, the King County Council passed Ordinance 19712, which authorized reallocatio...

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