Record No: Res 32145    Version: 1 Council Bill No:
Type: Resolution (Res) Status: Voted out of Commitee
Current Controlling Legislative Body Transportation Committee
On agenda: 9/17/2024
Ordinance No:
Title: A RESOLUTION relating to transportation infrastructure improvement and maintenance; responding to Resolution 32137, regarding the establishment and recommendations of a Transportation Funding Task Force to develop policy and funding recommendations for long term transportation infrastructure needs, with specific focus on building out Seattle's sidewalk network, improving existing sidewalks, improving pavement condition, and replacing or rehabilitating aging bridges.
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Presentation, 3. Central Staff Memo, 4. Amendment 1, 5. Amendment 2
RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION relating to transportation infrastructure improvement and maintenance; responding to Resolution 32137, regarding the establishment and recommendations of a Transportation Funding Task Force to develop policy and funding recommendations for long term transportation infrastructure needs, with specific focus on building out Seattle's sidewalk network, improving existing sidewalks, improving pavement condition, and replacing or rehabilitating aging bridges.
WHEREAS, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is responsible for the maintenance and operations of approximately $40 billion worth of assets including streets, sidewalks, bridges, traffic signals, the Seattle Streetcar, retaining walls, areaways, trees and other significant publicly-owned infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, SDOT has developed an asset management approach based on lifecycle cost analyses of the department's most valuable assets, including existing sidewalks and the City's bridges and paving; and
WHEREAS, SDOT estimates that the average Pavement Condition Index score in 2024 for arterial streets is 61 (on a 100-point scale); and SDOT's 2020 Asset Status & Condition Report identified an Asset Sustainability Ratio of 0.4 for arterial streets, which is below the target ratio of 1.0 to maintain existing pavement quality; and
WHEREAS, a 2020 City of Seattle Audit of Seattle's Vehicle Bridge Maintenance found that the City needed to spend more on bridge maintenance to preserve and extend the life of the structures and that, as of 2019, 29 percent of bridges were in good condition, 65 percent were in fair condition, and six percent were in poor condition and that, over the previous year, the percentage of bridges in fair and poor condition had increased more than the percentage in good condition; and
WHEREAS, approximately 27 percent of Seattle's streets are missing sidewalks, and in April 2024, the City Council adopted a 20-year ...

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