ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; amending Section 23.41.010 of the Seattle Municipal Code to approve the Crown Hill Neighborhood Design Guidelines, 2022.
WHEREAS, Crown Hill was designated as an Urban Village by the City Council when it adopted Seattle's Comprehensive Plan in 1994; and
WHEREAS, in 1998 the community completed the Crown Hill/Ballard Neighborhood Plan, and through Ordinance 119111 the City adopted the Crown Hill/Ballard Neighborhood-Specific Goals and Policies; and
WHEREAS, in 2018 the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) completed a community planning practice and prioritization report, identifying Crown Hill as a priority planning area; and
WHEREAS, from 2018 to 2019, OPCD, in partnership with the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) and Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), conducted public outreach in the Crown Hill Urban Village; and
WHEREAS, over 300 residents, business owners, property owners, and stakeholders engaged in four public workshops and four online surveys to create the Crown Hill Urban Village Action Plan, and additional public engagement included door-to-door outreach and direct outreach to residents of the Labateyah Youth Home; and
WHEREAS, in 2021, after completing a public engagement process, OPCD presented a final Crown Hill Action Plan to the City Council Land Use and Neighborhoods Committee on December 3, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the Crown Hill Urban Village Action Plan recommends numerous implementation measures, including creation of neighborhood design guidelines to help realize the community's vision by shaping new development in the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, in a statement of legislative intent for the 2022 budget, the City Council asked OPCD and the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) to convene a stakeholder group to conduct a Racial Equity Toolkit (RET) review of the design rev...
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