ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE related to rental housing; and amending Seattle Municipal Code subsection 22.206.160.C to require the owners of rental housing units to provide additional advance written notice to tenants prior to eviction.
WHEREAS, an owner of rental housing is currently required to provide 20 days' notice to a tenant when the owner decides to evict a tenant to allow the owner or a member of the owner's immediate family to occupy a unit; and
WHEREAS, similarly, an owner of a single family dwelling unit is currently required to provide 60 days' notice to a tenant when the owner elects to evict the tenant and sell the dwelling unit; and
WHEREAS, the vacancy rate for rental housing in Seattle is currently under 5 percent, making it difficult for tenants to obtain housing in a short time period; and
WHEREAS, providing additional time for a tenant to find new housing in the circumstances described above will help tenants obtain new housing; NOW, THEREFORE;
Section 1. Subsection 22.206.160.C of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was last amended by Ordinance 123564, is amended as follows:
C. Just Cause Eviction((.))
1. Pursuant to provisions of the state Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (RCW 59.18.290), owners may not evict residential tenants without a court order, which can be issued by a court only after the tenant has an opportunity in a show cause hearing to contest the eviction (RCW 59.18.380). In addition, owners of housing units shall not evict or attempt to evict any tenant, or otherwise terminate or attempt to terminate the tenancy of any tenant unless the owner can prove in court that just cause exists. The reasons for termination of tenancy listed below, and no others, shall constitute just cause under this ((s))Section 22.206.160:
a. The tenant fails to comply ...
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