ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Stormwater Code; amending Chapters 22.800, 22.801, 22.802, 22.803, 22.805, 22.807, and 22.808 of the Seattle Municipal Code and adding a new Section 22.800.100.
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle is committed to protecting local creeks and lakes, the Duwamish River and Puget Sound; and
WHEREAS, Seattle Public Utilities provides efficient, forward-looking utility services that keep Seattle the best place to live; and
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle uses stormwater regulations to protect people, property and the environment from damage related to stormwater runoff, for the purposes stated in Section 22.800.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle is subject to the 2013-2018 Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and State Waste Discharge General Permit for Discharges from Large and Medium Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) issued August 1, 2012, by the State of Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) in compliance with the federal Clean Water Act and state law, as effective August 1, 2013, and amended effective January 16, 2015 (MS4 Permit); and
WHEREAS, the MS4 Permit requires that the City's Stormwater Code and associated technical manual include minimum requirements, thresholds, definitions, and other specified requirements, limitations and criteria, determined by Ecology to be equivalent to Appendix 1 of the MS4 Permit for new development, redevelopment and construction, and that maintenance and source control must be as least as protective as or functionally equivalent to Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, 2012 edition as amended in 2014; and
WHEREAS, the MS4 Permit also requires that the City evaluate and, if necessary, revise the Stormwater Code to incorporate low impact development principles and best management practices; and
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