ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Special Events Committee, special events permitting, and special events fees; amending Sections 15.52.005, 15.52.010, 15.52.020, 15.52.030, 15.52.040, 15.52.050, 15.52.060, 15.52.080, and 15.52.090 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and repealing and replacing Section 15.52.070 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle (City) recognizes special events energize communities by creating opportunities to interact, celebrate, and enrich people's lives, promote inclusiveness, and stretch imaginations; and
WHEREAS, the City recognizes the role special events play in contributing to economic development and wants to continue to support these events; and
WHEREAS, the City plays a strong role in helping event organizers bring people together safely in both citywide and neighborhood events; and
WHEREAS, the City seeks to more clearly define free speech events to ensure the ongoing ability to exercise Constitutionally-protected rights; and
WHEREAS, the City has a compelling interest to coordinate its planning for proposed special events in order to protect public health and safety and reduce adverse impacts such as noise, congestion, and traffic while guaranteeing the public's rights to free speech and assembly; and
WHEREAS, the City faces a number of issues that require a new examination of the City's special event policies and approach including increased event volume, lack of cost recovery, and stretched staffing capacity; and
WHEREAS, the City incurs significant costs associated with planning, permitting, and supporting special events, and the existing fee structure does not allow the City to recover a reasonable amount of its costs to ensure on-going viability to support special events; and
WHEREAS, the primary purpose of parks is to provide the public the opportunity to enjoy natural beauty and recreational opportunities, an...
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