ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the acquisition of real property commonly known as 3650 34th Avenue South; and authorizing acceptance and recording of the deed for open space, park, and recreation purposes.
WHEREAS, the City Council created the Parks and Green Spaces Levy Citizens' Advisory Committee to ensure citizen participation in the development of a potential package of parks, open space, boulevards, trails, green infrastructure, and recreation projects, and a proposed set of options to fund the package by Resolution 31055; and
WHEREAS, the Parks and Green Spaces Levy Citizens' Advisory Committee, after being duly appointed and after spending many hours in open meetings and receiving public testimony and deliberating on the levy, voted by a strong majority to recommend that the City Council place a $145,500,000 six-year levy proposal for park purposes before the voters of Seattle; and
WHEREAS, in response to this recommendation, the City Council passed Ordinance 122749, placing Proposition 2, the 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy, before the voters of Seattle; and
WHEREAS, the 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy was approved by Seattle voters on November 4, 2008; and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 122749 identifies the North Rainier Hub Urban Village for a potential neighborhood park acquisition; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation considers the North Rainier Hub Urban Village as significantly underserved with quality open space, and the area is, therefore, a priority area for additional acquisition of parks and open space; and
WHEREAS, The City of Seattle ("City") purchased the property located at 3640 35th Avenue South ("City-owned Property") on December 29, 2011 from Southeast Effective Development, a Washington nonprofit corporation;
WHEREAS, the existing City-owned Property is small in size totaling only 6,4...
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