RESOLUTION _________________
A RESOLUTION related to the City's Emergency Management Program; amending the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Base Plan, Emergency Operations Plan, and All-Hazards Mitigation Plan as required by Seattle Municipal Code Section 10.02.050, RCW 38.52.077, and WAC 118-30-060.
WHEREAS, Section 10.02.050 of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) requires that a Disaster Readiness and Response Plan be kept current, and that, under the direction of the Mayor, proposed amendments to the plan be presented to the City Council for review and approval by resolution; and
WHEREAS, Section 10.02.060 of the SMC creates a Disaster Management Committee, which periodically reviews and makes recommendations for the revision of the City's disaster response plans consistent with chapter 38.52 RCW; and
WHEREAS, the Disaster Management Committee has formally reviewed and approved three of the five components of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) - the Base Plan, Emergency Operations Plan, and All-Hazards Mitigation Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has established a policy that requires recipients and potential recipients of Hazard Mitigation funding to have an All-Hazards Mitigation Plan; and
WHEREAS, FEMA's policy requires that the City's All-Hazards Mitigation Plan be formally adopted by City Council and submitted for approval by FEMA through the Washington Military Department; and
WHEREAS, the City's All-Hazards Mitigation Plan is one of the suite of plans under the CEMP; and
WHEREAS, the Office of Emergency Management is responsible for coordinating the revision to the City's All-Hazards Mitigation Plan every five years; and
WHEREAS, the Office of Emergency Management has worked closely with representatives of City departments and external partner organizations to revise the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Office of Emergency Management has submitted the CEMP - Base Plan, ...
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